Part 21

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Lucy's POV

I hear Harry let out a sigh beside me as we step into the hotel room and turn on the light. His strong arms wrap around me and his large hands interlock against my stomach. I lean back and rest my head on his chest, welcoming his touch. One of Harry's hands disappears from my stomach and rests underneath my chin. He leans down but stops when our lips are millimeters away.

"You know how I said we'd continue later?" he whispers huskily, his breath tickling my lips. 

"Mmm," is the only response I can muster. His proximity is making my brain fuzzy.

"Well, it's later," he says smugly before crashing his lips onto mine. I turn to face him completely, keeping our lips connected as my mouth moves with his. My hands go to the back of his neck and pull him closer to me while he does the same, except by my waist. 

Harry begins pushing me backward until the backs of my knees hit the couch and I collapse on it. His body hovers over mine as he kisses my jawline and down my neck. His lips are so soft and gentle and when they meet my collarbone, I let out a moan of pleasure. Harry presses his lips to the same spot again and I whimper, letting my eyes flutter shut. 

Before I know what I'm doing I reach to unbutton Harry's shirt. He's breathing heavily and my fingers shake and stumble over the buttons. His own hands push mine back and undo the last few buttons with ease, shrugging the shirt off and throwing it to the floor afterwards. 

My hands run over the smooth surface of his skin, admiring his toned muscles and tattoos. I grip his biceps and pull him down so our lips connect again. Harry's getting a little rougher and sloppier with the kisses, but I find that I like it.

He moans into my mouth when I tug roughly at his hair, and he lifts me off of the couch. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed. I'm expecting him to lay me down gently, but he grabs my hips and tosses me onto the bed, laughing as he does so. I let out a yelp as I bounce in the air and then land back on the soft bed. 

"I am SO gonna get you back for that," I say mischievously, hopping off the bed and making a run towards him. He smirks before running away from me into the living room. He stops on one side of the couch and I'm on the other. We're staring each other down like prey. Whenever I make a move to go around the couch, Harry goes the same way, always keeping our distance the same. He leaves me no other choice. 

I run straight towards the couch and jump over it, thanks to my years on the Varsity track team. Harry's eyes widen and I tackle him to the squishy, carpeted ground. 

"Gotcha," I whisper, kissing him softly. He smiles into the kiss and runs a hand through my hair. When we pull away, I rest my forehead on his and sigh happily. 

"It was really great seeing Gabe today," Harry murmurs, his hot breath hitting my face.

"Yeah, it really was. Just brought back memories, that's all," I say truthfully. Seeing my sister's boyfriend brought back images and memories of the two together as a couple. They were the perfect match, like two pieces of a puzzle that got ripped apart when Natasha died.

When you lose a puzzle piece, the puzzle will never be complete again until that piece is found. I can see it in Gabe's eyes that he's still grieving over the death of my sister. He loved her to pieces and I know it broke his heart when she died, just like it broke mine. 

"I know, it did for me too," Harry says, drawing me back to reality. Harry and Gabe were good friends. They were the only two men around most of the time, since Charlie worked a lot. Gabe is five years older than me which makes him 23, three years older than Natasha if she were still alive. He may have been older than her, but together they both acted like children. 

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