Part 12

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Harry's POV:

We make it down to the lobby and into the van without any interference from paps or fans, much to our relief. As we all pile into the backseat of the van and start driving to the restaurant, I notice Lucy acting a little strange. She hasn't spoken to any of us unless we asked her something, and even then her response is dull and as short as she can make it. She spent the entire ride staring out the window looking as if she were deep in thought. I want to ask her what's wrong, but I don't know if I'm just being paranoid.

We arrive at Riverwinds Restaurant, the place Niall picked out for us. It's a little bit fancy, but not too much. Once we step outside, bright flashes blind us. I don't know how the paparazzi always seem to know our plans, but somehow they do. 

Paul and Preston are on either side of us as we push our way through the crowd. My left hand grips Lucy's arm, as I lead her inside. Paps are shouting questions at us, but we ignore each and every one. Luckily they don't try to physically contact us, just shout in our faces. I swear to god, if the paps ever hurt someone I care about I would fucking lose it. 

Once we are all safely inside, Niall walks up to the front table.

"Reservation for Horan," he says, smiling.

The lady checks some sort of list before nodding and leading us back into the restaurant. She takes us outside and onto the patio where there is a big, round table. Over the railing you can see the rushing water of a river. The air is warm enough so that we aren't going to be cold, but we won't be sweating either. 

"Good job Nialler, this place looks great," I say as we all take our seats. I'm in between Lucy and Zayn and directly across from Niall. Liam is on Niall's left, next to Zayn, while Louis is on his right, next to Lucy. 

"Thanks, I try," Niall says, doing an imaginary hair-flip. We all laugh at him, except Lucy, and that's when I know something is definitely wrong. Sh'e staring at the menu but I can tell that she's not even reading it. I nudge her under the table with my foot, getting her to look at me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, frowning. "And don't say nothing."

"It's stupid, I don't even know why I'm so upset over it," she mutters, dropping my gaze. 

"No, babe, I bet it's not stupid. Just tell me." I really want to know what's making her so upset. I know for a fact that it's not stupid like she said because Lucy was never one to get upset over not having the right shoes to match her shirt or some shit like that. That's stupid, and I know that's not why Lucy's acting so strange. 

"I'll, uh, I'll tell you later then," she says quietly before returning to the menu. 

The rest of the night was fun, I guess. The food was excellent and Niall and Louis eventually got Lucy to laugh a little. Otherwise, she didn't talk or smile much and it really bothered me.

After a little fight over who was paying (Niall won), we all met Paul and Preston near the front of the restaurant. When they pushed open the doors, I saw that there were even more paps than when we arrived. I groaned internally as I took Lucy's arm and followed Liam out the door. 

It was chaos. There were blinding flashes and questions being shouted at us. The majority of the questions were actually about Lucy. I would clear all the questions up in our next interview, not here with the stupid paps. Right now they can think whatever the hell they want, but when I tell them the truth, they better believe it. Somehow I know they won't though, and it makes me mad. Why can't people just trust that if I were in a relationship, I wouldn't hide it?

My thoughts are interrupted when Lucy stumbles into my side. I glance down at her and she's looking at one of the paps who's now closer than the rest. I realize that he probably pushed her, and fury takes over me. The man is shoving his camera in her face and she looks absolutely terrified. 

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