Part 32

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[A/N: Hey guys, I might be ending this story pretty soon and move on to a sequel because it's getting quite long. Sorry if it takes me a while to update, I have tournaments every weekend and loads of homework so it's hard to find time. I also just had a death in my family and will be gone this weekend so I won't be able to update, sorry. I really appreciate you reading! Thank you so much guys, I hope you're enjoying the story! .xx ]

Lucy's POV:

I stand outside Harry's bedroom door, shocked at what I just heard. That was his boss on the phone, no doubt about it. And Harry just totally cussed him out over his relationship with me. At least that's how it sounded.

I followed Harry here because the look on his face signalled that something was definitely wrong and I am a naturally curious person. I'm glad I was eavesdropping though, that conversation eliminated any doubts I have ever had about Harry's feelings for me.

"I am in love with Lucy, so you're the pathetic one if you're trying to take that away from me."

His words play through my head like a broken record, increasing my appreciation and love for him with each passing second. It's one thing to say those kinds of things to me or when I'm around, but saying them to someone else when he thinks I'm not there to hear it, that means something more to me. It shows that Harry really means these things and that he's not trying to gain anything by saying them, just the same tingly feeling I get when I say those three simple words to him.

The door then opens, revealing a widely grinning Harry who's expression turns to confusion when he sees me standing there outside his door. It is obvious that I heard every word of that conversation, but I honestly don't care because Harry looks so irresistible right now that my lips are molded to his before he can even form a sentence.

Harry responds right away, gripping my waist with his strong hands and lifting me up, pressing my back against the wall while my legs wind around his waist. It seems like we always end up kissing this way, but it's the best way to get me up to his towering height. Besides, I really like it when he kisses me against the wall...

"Lucy, Harry, where are you guys?" Zayn's voice rings out through the flat, sending me sliding down the wall as Harry takes two large steps backwards.

"They're making babies! On my birthday!" Louis shouts loud enough to make sure we can hear. My face heats and I look up to see Harry's cheeks tinted pink in the most adorable way.

"That means their kid will have the same birthday as me!"

"I'm not sure that's how it works, Lou," Eleanor says, making me laugh and give away our 'hiding spot'.

"That's not how it works," Harry says, shaking his head as we walk hand-in-hand into the living room. I giggle at the sight of Louis who has silly string covering him from head to toe in every color. He shoots me a glare through the green strings that hang off of his hair and over his eyes. I'm guessing it was a surprise attack. The smug look on Niall's face confirms my suspicions and he flashes me a mischievous smile while I give him a subtle thumbs up.

"So, since we won't be seeing each other tomorrow, I was thinking we could do presents now?" Liam suggests, looking around the room. When everyone nods, Harry and I take seats on the floor, me between his legs with my back against his chest.

When it's my turn to present the gifts I got for everyone, I hand Niall a Michael Bublé Christmas CD first which he thanks me for with a huge hug and a smile. The rest of the boys and girls thank me for their gifts, then after Harry gives and receives his presents, it's time for us to leave.

Everyone stands up to hug us goodbye and say 'Merry Christmas'. I hug everyone, even Sophia although I don't really know her. I have made an effort to get to know her but she doesn't seem to want to interact with any of us. I don't know if Liam has noticed this, but everyone else has. I suppose she's nice though. After we've all said our goodbyes, everyone is gathered in the living room again while Harry and I stand at the door ready to leave.

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