Part 33

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(A/N: This chapter contains some adult material that might not be appropriate for some readers. None of you commented or messaged me your opinions and I am not comfortable writing smut (sorry). But there is some more heated scenes so' If you don't want to read, just skip it. Thanks! .xx)

(Still December 26th)

Lucy's POV:

...Harry's lips capture mine in a kiss that says it all for me. His tongue slips into my mouth, forcing a moan of pleasure to work its way up from the back of my throat. Harry lowers me down so I'm laying flat on the piano bench with him hovering over me, still not breaking the kiss. His large hands grip hard on the edge of the wooden bench as my hands knot themselves in his hair. 

"Lucy," he groans, and I can feel the growing bulge in his pants pressed against my thigh. My cheeks flame, but I kiss him again before he can notice. When his mouth moves down to pepper soft kisses on my neck, I speak.

"Do you want me to give you your other gift?" I ask softly. He doesn't look up, just continues his gentle assault. 

"That depends," he finally answers. "Would we have to stop for you to get it?"

"Yes," I admit shyly. I am kind of freaking out right now. I know what this could lead to, and I'm not saying that's not something I want, I am just inexperienced. 

"Then no," Harry whispers. "It can wait."

Huge, metal butterflies are having a party in my stomach. I can't have sex with Harry! I have no idea what to do, whatsoever. He won't even like me after this... I also heard that it hurts when you lose your virginity. I'm gonna be honest, I am terrified at the moment. 

Actually, I am even more terrified of the alternative. What if Harry doesn't even want me that way? Gosh that would be humiliating. I know I want him to be my first time and this feels like the right moment. I love him and I know he loves me, so why do I feel so nervous? Just because he's dating me doesn't mean he wants sex... I ask him one question just to be sure.

"Then what do you want?" I barely whisper, my pulse quickening as I await his answer. Harry stops kissing me and raises his head so our eyes meet. I see the same fear in his eyes that I'm sure are in mine, but also something else. Love? Lust? I can't be sure.

"You," he says simply, and that's all I need to hear. I grab him by the back of his neck and pull his lips down on mine, kissing him passionately. He shows the same desperation for me that I do for him, which eases some of my worry but nowhere near all of it.

My heart is hammering its way out of my chest when Harry picks me up and carries me to the bed, setting me down gently on the soft pillows. He is still hovering over me, his face only inches from mine as we stare into each other's eyes. 

"You want to do this?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. I take him in, the way his curls fall over his forehead and the defined outline of his biceps as they work to keep his weight from crushing me. His pink lips that are slightly parted and most of all his eyes that show every bit of love and affection he has. 

I remember all the nights we spent as young teenagers watching old movies and throwing popcorn at each other. I remember him climbing through my bedroom window to spend the night with me when anything bad happened. I remember our first kiss and I remember the first time we admitted our feelings for each other. My feelings for Harry have grown more than I thought possible in the past few months, and it is that fact that gives me my answer. 

"Yes, I want to," I say timidly, as if testing out the words. I have not dropped his gaze this whole time, but I am forced to when his lips collide with mine, nearly taking my breath away. He pulls away all too soon and starts rambling on.

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