Part 8

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Harry's POV:

To say I am heartbroken would be an understatement. I'm absolutely devastated to hear about the death of Natasha and Elizabeth Green who were just like family. I spent my entire childhood around them, laughing an playing. To think that both of them have been taken from this earth in the span of just a few months makes my heart ache and my eyes water. I remember the times when I would help Elizabeth cook dinner or bake cookies while Natasha and Lucy watched TV or just sat there eating the dough and making fun of me. Then Charles would come in and swipe a finger into the bowl, licking his finger. Elizabeth and I would scold him, much to the amusement of his two daughters. Then maybe my own mum and Robin would walk in, laughing.

My thoughts are cut short. My mum! She must've known! Liz was her best friend, and Natasha was like a second daughter to her. How could she keep something like this from me? I'm suddenly angry as well as sorrowful, and I grab my phone out of my pocket. I hastily wipe my tear-stained cheeks as I forcefully type my mum's number. She answers on the third ring. 

"Harry!" she exclaims cheerfully. I'm angry at her for not telling me, but I know this is hard for her, too. I can't get mad at her, it'll only make me feel worse. I need my mum right now. 

"Mum," I say, my voice still hoarse from crying.

"Harry, are you alright?" she asks, concern clear in her sweet voice. 

"I bumped into Lucy yesterday. Lucy Green," I tell her and hear the sharp intake of breath on the other end. "How could you not tell me?" I try to say calmly, but my voice cracks as fresh tears fall into my lap. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry," she says, and I can tell that she's crying and instantly my heart aches. "I didn't know how to. It's not something I can tell you over the phone and whenever I saw you, I wanted our time together to be as happy as possible since it's so rare." What she says does make sense. I barely get to see my family, so when I do I want to have the best time I can. "I should've told you," she whispers from the other side of the world. 

"Mum, it's fine. I understand," I say quietly. "Have you seen Lucy since..." I trail off, knowing that she'll know what I mean. 

"No, I couldn't make it to the funeral. Either of them," she says and I let out an involuntary sob. "Shhh baby, it's alright. They both loved you so much and would want you to be happy," her voice coos into my ear. 

"I know," I whisper just as there's a quiet knock on the door. 

"Haz?" Lucy's voice comes from outside. 

"Mum, I have to go. Lucy's here, I'll call you later and you can talk to her too. I love you," I say. 

"Okay, I love you too sweetie," she says and I'm about to hang up when she adds something else. "Don't let Lucy go, okay? You need each other." 

"I won't," I promise, meaning it. I press the end button and throw my phone on the bed, laying back to stare at the ceiling. 

"Come in," I tell Lucy, who then walks into the room, fully dressed but with damp hair. 

"Harry," she begins, just at the same time as I say "Lucy". I can't help but crack a small smile as she does the same. She's literally the only person who could get a smile out of my right now. 

"You first," she says politely. I take a deep breath before beginning. 

"Lucy, I'm so sorry. Not only for what happened, but for how you had to go through it all on your own. Seriously, you were worried about me going through this on my own?" I say, gesturing to our surroundings. She shakes her head, but I continue. 

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