Bonus Chapter

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Whoa! I made it guys. I hope you enjoy the reading.


"Who is that making you happy after me?" He drew his brows together and looking at him sulking caused me blew out a giggle at his that kid-ish face. which he makes more often these days. Sometimes I think_Is he pregnant?  He sulk too much lately like those pregnant ladies having those mood swings.
Sometimes Neil acts like Adi. Remember guys that kid Adi. My little brother. Though he is not a kid anymore. He has grown full dude in those last few years we have made it together.
Now don't tell me you people have forgotten who Adi is.
Adi would be very sad knowing this. Really.

"It was dad" I chuckled but next second my throat caught a gasp when unceremoniously he pulled off his tee over his head and his those muscled flexing arms while moving upward and he attempted to resettle his dishevelled hair back in shape.  Before he catches me checking him out I turned around, bit my lip. Shit everytime he catches me doing the same thing, gawking at my boyfriend.

God He is so gorgeous.
Those Yes panty dropping features he has; scorching hot he has grown now days. His body has become hunky like he had been never before. The five o'clock shadow over his jaw I just can't keep my eyes off him. My subconscious batted her eye lashes dreamily and I inhaled hard at her statements. However She is speaking the fact.

His next project is a dark thriller. He has to look more fit than he is and much chiseled to get fit into that inexplicable role, something of grey shade he never did before.

He has grown insatiable, beast in bed these days. Sometimes really dirty I tell you. He is no more that sweet, shy Neil Khanna I fell in love with. Not that I'm complaining. @ Though he has grown much calm and understanding than he had ever been, then a little possesive lately. And I'm loving this latest version of Neilu. God I so miss him always.

"Adi is seriously going to office everyday. Can you believe it? Adi and office?" I giggled giving this latest info about my brother to Neil. I couldn't help but pictured in my head Adi wearing those tailored suits and going office. A small chuckle slipped out of me.

"Diya is doing excellent with her job. Dad was praising her a lot and giving her all the credit for Adi growing this serious about work because of her" with a gleeful smile on my lips I stated to Neil.

I'm happy Adi chose someone like Diya; Sensible, kind hearted. I know my brother is crazily in love with my bestie. On the other side Diya is much discreet with her heart so that no one can break it like she had it once. I'm worried for both. Two people, very dear to me whom I cannot force anything but pray for them to get the best they deserve.

"People in love do such kinda thing baby" I swallowed hard when I felt his breath over my sensitive spot and his voice husky, arms around me, wrapped tenderly over my chest. And next moment I let out a squeak when I found my feet swept off the floor and Neil is walking me inside the washroom. God this man never gets enough of having me, nor feel fatigue after such a long day. My heart beat escalated thinking of him making wild love to me in shower like he did yesterday. It was hard and smutty.

We moved in, a month ago when Diya left for abroad. She got a job in an advertising agency. Dad recommended her name to one of his best clients in USA. Actually that Add-Agency was looking for few fresh photographer for those upcoming projects they have in their hands back to back, and then when Dad took the opportunity and suggested Diya's name. Later which I discovered everything was my brother's plan. He convinced Dad to make that move to his client who has a big advertising company in USA and this guy appreciate working with young talented, hardworking people. And Adi has this golden chance to get Diya close to him by recommending her name for this job. That manipulator.

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