Chapter 46

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Warning : a bit hot you will feel reading today's chappie. Those who are not comfortable they can skip this update.


"Are you guys up for the dinner haven't done yet" Diya sneaked through the door ajar. And that made Avni took a step forward and Neil's lifted his face up off her neck.

"Can't you knock for once, before you sneak!" Avni snapped at her roomie.

"Can't you people lock it up anyways!" She shot back her, rolled her eyes and left.

Neil was grinning having fun being an audience to their bickering.

"What for you looking fool now!" Avni rolled her eyes moving away him, zipped up her rucksack, laid it on the bed.

"You shouldn't have scowled at your bestie! We were not kissing" he stated, suppressed his grin.

His reply caught irritated her. Her eyes knitted but instantly replaced by a devilish smirk on her lips. Her face was not at her direction straight so he couldn't see her. She whirled her gaze to him and there an inexplicable gleam appeared Neil have seen. But not much longer he needed to wait to know what was up with her.

"I haven't kissed you" she grew her eyes lascivious made Neil gulped looking at her lips the way she moulded it tempting him. Taking steps towards him he spoke "since....since" she tried to complete but gave up then. Her forehead creased breaking the spell he was in but she kept moving.

"Since mmorning" his tongue fumbled with the words. he gulped when she put her arms around his neck, her face upward closer his.

And they both flinched moving away eachother by the sound Diya made rising the television volume in the hallway. It's a indication she does everytime to keep Avni hurrying out her room for meal when she keeps waiting her for dinner, watch movies or Netflix in her lapy.

"What she is doing!" Neil chuckled. His eyes grew confused at the same time. He looked at the door then back at Avni.

"She is a bitch, I told you" Avni gritted through her teeth and passed over him to get out of the room but stopped by a tug on her wrist .
A gasp came out of her lips when she found Neil took a long gape over her and next moment her jittery gaze followed him moving closer to her face. She calmed, bashfully looked away.

"Don't stop me then tonight" he let go her wrist,leaned, whispered. His breath touched the spot her ears ended and cheeks began. She shifted her eyes sideways her gaze fell at him. Before he smirked and moved away, she swallowed hard, her eyes dropped at his lips an inch away hers.

Avni was rooted at the spot with her erratic breaths, stared at Neil advancing towards the door and walked out of her room. She bit her lips, her cheeks flushed.

He never fails startling her. Did he!


We had a great time having dinner three of us. Diya kept making some poking comments, threw at Avni. And Avni didn't miss a single chance not retorting her back with much better choice of her words. Everytime she spoke we shared an amused smirk with eachother that didn't get missed by Avni. Her overly fuming glares over me already told me, there must be repercussion I'll be facing soon.
After finishing our dinner. We bid goodbye to Diya, went down of their floor and strode to the parking lot where I parked my bike.

"Thrice in a single day I'm riding this monster. And this would be the last time" she stated, her eyes moved warning watching me. How could be someone looks so adorable and hot at the same time! Being focus on getting her wear the helmet, my eyes smiled by her those grouchy words.

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