Chapter 61

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Can't believe I have reached this long. Thank you all.

▪️ This sign is for flashback scenes.


"Nothing breaks like a heart"

"Pick up the phone god damn" Neil bellowed out, pulling down the pH away his ear he threw it harshly on the floor and it broke.. h
His hand raked his hair roughly. His chest let out a thwarting groan.

His body jolted out of the daze he went off waiting outside her compound gate. It was a Dream and his phone is alright.

She must have heard him drove off but he couldn't drive afar. He couldn't go by and left his love in this venerable state when he knows very well she must be expecting him to be come behind her to explain.

He pulled up his head off the steering wheel, over which he had drifted off few minutes back being pensive with his inner turmoil how to make things dissolved.

His hands slipped to his right pocket and then he remembered he has her phone. Shit. Cussing he banged on the steering wheel pouring out all of his frustration.

But a glint of hope flashed in his eyes when his palmed slipped down his face. This is it.

He took a last look over her phone on the empty seat beside him he has kept there taking it out of his pocket.

And Neil maneuvered his vehicle through the main gate, back to her building compound.

Being Neil a very known face security already knows him, moreover his name is there in her friends-visit list. Therefore it's never been any trouble for him to get the pass to her apt. And they let his car in under just a sign and the time of his arrival. A regular formality.


Elevator dinged opened to her floor. I stepped outside, the door shut.

I was about to ring the bell but my hands stopped in the mid air when the main door of her flat moved ajar by the breeze. A frown grew on my face seeing the door unlocked.

With my mild thumping heart I emerged in, glanced around. Avni is no where, nor her flatmate bestie Diya I have seen around. A feeling of uncertainty, qualm led my feet moved to her door.

Without knocking I stalked in.


My breath rose, jaw flexed, hardened looking at Avni's bare back.

She has slipped off her bra, changing into some pj top. Before She pull her pj top down his head I shouted with my most berating tone I have ever used on her. Because I was furiously niggle brooding over the hazard could have happened if someone else has entered her apartment instead of me at this hour! And would see my gril half nacked.

"How could you be so sloppy! Your door is unlocked and here you are changing your damn clothes" she winched by my harsh voice and looked behind. For a milli second we both kept staring at eachother. My gaze softened looking at her fluffy eyes, tears strained pallid face. I sucked a strenuous breath and she immediately straightened her back, averted her gaze. Avni hurriedly pushed her hands one by one through the clothing arms and pulled the fabric harshly down her waist. Her facade is weirdly impassive. It's disturbing me to the edge.

"Why did you come!" Her voice low, She passed to the dresser. Avni grabbed a cotton ball, started rubbing over her eyes skillfully removing her smudge liner around her eyes facing the mirror. She is behaving like my presence is not effecting her. She is totally unfazed.

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