Chapter 48

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"I want to kiss you. Right now" his text read. A gasp blew out my lips holding the device tightly in between my palms. I can't help it, my lips curved, displayed a bushy smile. If I could have seen my face then, I would have known how deeper shade of red my cheeks have turned into. Undeniably.

"Is that Avni Mehta..." A male voice halted me from moving. I just grabbed my backpack down the carousel. That was the only luggage we currently carrying. Neil was busy in a call.His Mom might have called him to know if he reached.

Sometimes I feel jealous of him, he has such an amazing mother. Okay, all the time I feel the same, covetous,when I see him over calls with his Mom.

Dating Neil throughout last few months, I have come across Aunty few times through vedio chats, in between our time at his place.

Though Neil never took me to a proper date yet but still we are dating would be the proper words to say, if I brief our relationship status precisely. Or rather seeing eachother would sound convincing. Isn't it!

I almost jumped on my feet by the voice behind.My luggage slipped a slightly out of my grip but immediately I caught hold of it, pulled it back on the way, whirled my face to the direction that voice came out.

My forehead knitted a small creased staring at the person smiling genuinely looking at me. He was at the same row, few feets away me.

"!!" I know my tone stumbled. It took me few seconds recognising the face. Definitely not close to a minute.

Mohit. That boy from my class with whom I had a small story.

"Hey hi" he greeted softly, took few steps forward and his feet paused in a decent distance reaching me. His grin broadened, a sigh released his chest noticing I have recognised him. I took a glance at the spot Neil was, pacing to me he gave me who the hell is he look. Neil shoved the phone inside his jeans pocket and stood beside me. The way he is watching Mohit keenly I can say he is not at all happy watching him approached me.

"Hi" I replied shortly with a quick smile on my lips.

He took a quick glance at Neil and brought back to me before his smile disappear looking Neil's gaze over him not at all welcoming. And I'm agreed with Mohit.

"Long time. Isn't it!" Mohit leaned his head a bit at his side. There wasn't any uneasiness I felt in his voice, rather friendly than he used to be in past with me, blatantly if I pushed aside those hand full fake loving days of being with him. Those days are all faded from my memory, they do not effect me anymore.

"Yep it is" I answered meekly within a second. Tried to come down my thumping heart seeing him after ages. Why I'm so squeamish, is that because of Neil!

I realised Mohit has gained weight slightly than I remember I had last seen him, decade back during my....Silly days the satirical mock my subconscious made.

He has grown handsome with his glowing wheatish complexion, light stubble around his sharp jaw;not as dence as Neil has but still he look good on it. Nowhere he is close to attractive than Neil.
Crap why I'm comparing him with Neil. He will never reach to half of that lovable close to Neil. Never.

He almost has the same height Neil has or half an inch shorter might be. That's hardly noticeable. By the way he is brawny, that's what my eyes caught a tiny attention to the spot, the movement when his arms caused those muscles flexed under that slim fit sky-blue shirt he was on, stuck to his skin.
His one hand holding a small trolley handle that was at the side of his limbs and another one has a sling over it's shoulder, that grip was tightened around a cellph.

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