Chapter 26

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"That's why I didn't want to happen these things in my set" was Raj Sir's remarks. Being seated beside Avi he threw an irked face over her.

"And that made you to initiate the whole thing to create" Avni curved her face answering him back,she smiled cheekily.

And Raj Sir got irritated more looking at the sixth ring from Neil dancing on the Avni's ph screen. And as everytime she was putting the ring tone in silent instead cutting her boss call. Avni still consider Neil as her boss in the work place.

"Anyways sorry sir" saying these she focussed on the monitor screen but interrupted by Raj Sir this time after few seconds.

"Okay go....I don't want my Hero to be restless in his next scene and curse me mentally every second" Raj Sir rolled his eyes and keep looking at the monitor screen.

"Nope it's okay..he won't" Avni creased her brows slightly before assuring him.

"It's my order...go I said" his face showed he is trying to suppress his laughter making a fake serious face.

She looked at him in confused eyes.

"Avni" he made his voice serious.

And again her pH rang for the 7th time Neil called.

"Before our hero get panic attack.. gooooo..." Raj Sir pleaded and that made Avni immediately stood up and hastened her steps towards his vanity to go to Neil.

"Sometimes say don't go, don't talk to him.

Sometimes say go.

Ufff....this Raj Sir" She murmured under her breath gritting her teeth being irritated on her director Sir.


Right now I'm feeling the entire Zoo inside my stomach standing outside his door.
Before I could knock on his door I inhaled deeply and brought my hand upward.

"Come in" the second I have heard his voice my heart jumped almost coming out of my throat and I gulped pushing the door to step inside.

"Why are you not picking my calls" He asked locking the door.

OMG why he locked it up.

And next second I felt he took my shivering hand in his and brought me to his bed and made me sit on it.

Then my eyes fell on his bed, it was scattered with few food containers all over in the middle.

Ooh so he is having lunch.

"Buddu it's a lunch hour...what else he would do!!" my inner self gritted.

"What..." He paused questionably.
"Again this girl gawwd...." I heard him muttered under his breath and then waved at my face. I flinched breaking my trance and then I saw him scooted his one brow upward staring at me curiously.

I curved my lips smiling nervously in response.
"Iiiii" I stammered finding the words something to say but stopped looking at his smirk.

Yes that killer smirk of Neil khanna's.
Exactly the one girls go crazy for, to have a single glimpse of it anyday.

I gulped looking at his lips and tore my eyes away immediately being embarrassed.

Yes I'm embarassed he caught me looking at his lips.


God why didn't you kill me before I have pulled such stunts.

Atleast you could have diverted my eyes giving some other view to get.

You, Have My Heart (Season 2 not a sequel ) Completed Where stories live. Discover now