Chapter 60

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This chapter will contain too much uses of profanity as per as the protagonists' situation demand.

Enjoy Reading.


Holly crap!

Before I could have sensed or foreseen anything disgusting as such coming on my way I felt a pair of lips on mine. Someone kissed me abruptly.

The glasses of soft drinks I was holding plummeted off my hands, they broke with a thud. Liquor and the glass pieces all over the floor.

Who the fucking nympho is this! I bellowed inwardly holding a breath in my chest when for some million seconds my brain took to registered what shit just happened.

She is a girl so I controlled myself pushing her harshly or I would have punched her hard on her face for performing such stunt on me.

Simran Raichand the girl is. A big scowl grew on my face the moment she staggered away me few steps backward.

What the hell just happened? I sucked a harsh breath scowling gravelly.

I despise her since how she treated me.

Infuriated by her action I glared at her when she settled on her feet by my sudden, stringent push to her shoulder the moment she kissed me.

"You..." I was breathing heavily feeling extremely malice, going to muttered something heedless, invective through my gritted teeth but stopped glancing around. People are watching us. My face tightened. Looking at my helplessness her sneer grew caused bawl my fist, bridled my frenzied rage stiffly.

Vile woman she dared to kiss me. I just wanted to spat out the touch of her over my lips and wash my mouth until I get satisfied it has flashed off my skin. Though it was an one-sided shortest kiss in kiss history, and as ridiculous as ever but still it can't be less considered when it is forceful to someone.

How dare she thing she can kiss me? What does she think of herself! That sticky, clingy Simran Raichand.
We have parted, it happened more than an year ago from now and she is still stalking me! My chest was on the way to explosion in fit of utmost furry.

She really believe things work out this way or she is being a delusional fool. stubborn bitch sold all of her self-respect in some cheap bar she drinks everyday. She has always been a bad inebriate.

How dare she even touch me when my body, my soul I have given to someone very precious. To my love, my Avni. How can she attempt to ruin my loyalty to my girl performing such filthy stunt! If killing your phycho ex wouldn't be a crime.

I scowled deeply, my nerve throbbing to throw her out of my sight, somewhere in a rotten hell. But I controlled hard not to do any stupid move that I may later regret.

My eyes frowned looking at Simran, her lips curved a devilish sneer staring at my helplessness then darted to someone behind me. Her head cocked to the right, she bite her lips sensuously and I felt distaste looking at her slutty evil facade. When did she transform such witch like features in her face! My mind filled in repugnance thinking of she had been my friend. Ex was far later.

Who the hell she is smirking at...


Hollyshit, fucking damn no... I wailed being terrified inwardly.

Instinctly my eyes grew wide, my heart slammed in chest, throat dried up. Anxiously, begrudgingly I followed her gaze, looked behind.

My heart crushed to my ribcage, something tumultuous thrashed inside me looking at the person staring at me with her excruciating gaze. I swallowed a lump in my throat ,my stomach knotted at the sight of my biggest nightmare_ Simran Raichand manipulating my love life.

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