Chapter 50

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"He played" how could I miss these words she said!
Malevolence rushed through my veins when I envisioned that fucker.

He must have hurt her. That prick Romit. Asshole. I didn't even remember his name, neither I want to now for sure.
Neil you did teensy bit overreacted. Okay that was exaggerating. My anger already slipped off, the second I realised I love her now more. Because deliberately she could have hid it from me the entirety of that incident, might have betided long back. She had a chance. But she chose to spill it too soon before I would have asked her for more details.

My eyes flitted at her. Her face now fully turned to Mom. She is not looking at me. Wooow. How could I amend things then! My mind mulled over being querulous. This is not something passable, we need a clear discussion over it. I want to know, what actually had happened between them.

My heart went raptured beaming inside when Mom said, me and Avni gonna share the room. A mirth appeared on my lips looking at my bachha's pale face at my Mom's statement.
All those naughty possible encounter were on the way started appearing in my vision got blurred and then totally vanished when Mom pinned the bubble burst in our love making flashes I could have had with her living in a same room. My forehead creased, a sulk took place on my face. I hefted her backpack, tossed over my shoulder and ambled up the stairs in search of her room Mom allotted for her.

After having a shower , changing into my casual clothes, it's cold here so I pulled the sweater over my head , mom has kept for me inside the wardrobe. And then to have a watch on her if she wants anything there I had walked out of my room.

Breaking the kiss I cupped her face. Attempted to speak but couldn't, because she did it before me.

"Trust me there is nothing associated to him left inside me." Her tender gaze into mine, she licked her lips reluctantly, they are swollen by my hungry kisses over them few seconds back.
My heavy breath deflated. I found myself staring at her. Great even I wanted to talk about this.

"You still love him. Aren't you!" I backtracked. Even I myself winched by the words came out of my mouth at the moment.

"Seriously! that's what You think." She creased her eyes in disbelief and my heart raced, I might have sounded stupid but I love her so much, I can't take things lightly when it comes stuff like this, related to her. And here she is talking about her infatuation. Fucking damn infatuation.

"Then why you are not pissed of him.When you should be" I'm defeated fighting back my urge not to grump while asking it. My chest tightened.

"He hadn't done something deplorable that can't be forgiven" she stated calmly and my eyes knitted listening to her. What does that crap mean, he didn't do anything deplorable...that asshole was in a game with hurting her. Hurting my Avni. Just pray he doesn't cross my path anyday in future, if he do I'll show him the entire game from both sides. That Filthy bug of shit.

"People in love forgive" I gritted through my hard jaws, my tone was low menacing. I looked away. If she says yes then I'm done.

"They says people aren't in love, feel nothing. Just nothing, no grudges, no love" she corrected, smiled softly. And My eyes darted at her direction, heart tightened. Half of my annoyance subsided at her sight, I felt my fist loosened. Jaws relaxed.

She is actually right, people aren't in love anymore feel nothing once they had fallen for, because that particular person no more holds the same importance in their life, aside only some faded memories.
And that exact moment I have realised. Even my anger for Simran had been lessen long it's gone entirely I would say. Instead there is pity ,the only exclamation I have for her left inside me...

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