Chapter 22

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This was one of those Toughest chappies, I have written till now😥



"long time boyfriend" these only words echoing in my ears since I have heard them told Raj sir about Avni few hours ago.
So I guessed it right! The guy in hoody I saw that day while dropping Avni there in his place, he is her boyfriend.

And now why the fucking hell I'm crying!!

I deserve it for being stupid like a hell.

Neil You have fallen in love with a girl who is already taken.

Just waaaoooow.

And now I'm taking out all my frustrations falling for a person who would never be mine.

You have fucked up Neil khanna!!
How could you be so kiddish to trust all her innocent approach towards you, that never had been prominent if she likes you.

Did she ever tell you!!

No na!!

Then why!!


Neil wailed and slumped his fist on the wall, forcefully pouring his anger and helplessness.

And now with a shattered heart and ruined soul, I would suffer like a hell without any fault of mine.

He leaned his head on the wall and breath heavily shutting his sorrowful eyes. He turned his body pressing the backside of his head, pulled his back down and sat on the floor being tired of his drastic emotional break down.

"The moment I heard those words from Raj Sir, it took me few minutes to grip myself back not to explode there at the very place in front of all the crew people around us. So I immediately left for my room towards my vanity.
At that moment I haven't any strength to think straight I just did what I was asked for.
I was that blank then. It took me time to register what just happened to me back.
Somehow I gripped myself not to broken down there and I finished my work like a robot till I drive back home."

Bending his head on his knees he was silently sitting there recalling those moments they had shared together in between their busy schedule or sometimes   those stealing time off the shoot.

Leaving Neil flinched in his state the pH buzz ringing the familiar tone every night supposed to be this hour.

He pulled out his pH from his side pocket and received the call.
"Yeah Mom" he tried to sound as normal as possible without showing his inner turmoil to his Mom.

"What happened bachha!!"


Ohh god you should have made all the Moms oblivious a bit when you decide to put their children in these kinds of overwhelming situations.

I want to hug her really tight right now and cry my heart out.

My first heart break.

When I was with Simran I hadn't a heart break not a bit similar to this when She was caught cheated on me.

Instead I was angry on myself for trusting her.

I shut my door on her face whenever she came to apologise me.

I felt actually relief getting out of an unexplainable relationship that I'm still confused why I had even agreed to, the day she proposed me!!

But with Avni it is something very unfamiliar, surreal. Without being in a relationship I'm going through the stage exactly people feel after their break ups.

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