Chapter 45

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"Liilliisten Neil. I'll go by cab...umm...yeah" her words fumbled she blinked her eyes couple of times looking at the helmet Neil pulled to her.

Neil narrowed his eyes examined her expressions.

"What's wrong, bachha! why are you so nervous!" He put off the fuel and got off the bike.

"Aa aa aa I don't like motor bikes" some how Avni managed to speak through her panicked shaky tone, made an annoying face. She clutched her hand bag over her chest in support.

"What!" Neil almost shouted, let out a laugh weirdly. He never thought girls this gen could have such kind of dislikes.

"There is nothing to get so surprised, okay!" Avni grumped looking at his confounded face.

"Girls dies to sit on this back seat behind me
And look at you. What did you just say. You don't like bikes!" His weird chuckle told how unbelievable the fact is to digest for him.

"Hhaaa how funny. Kangaroo. "Girls dies" Huh. then why don't he calls any girl to sit on his back." Avni murmured spatting Neil in her mind but her it immediately shut her up and said "you are also a girl monkey!" Oooops. Her chest tightened lashes flattered. Realization hit her hard.

"Don't tell me you freak out riding on bikes. Just like those few gawars" He emphasized the word gawars and sniggered. He was in full mood to tempt her.

Avni fumed glaring at him and gnawed " Raj Sir has called me just now. if you are not yet done with your stupid conversations then I'm going by cab" she tried passing over him but Neil stopped her by holding her wrist.

"Okay baba you are the bravest. Now wear this" He sobered, made her wear the helmet and she gulped, horrified.

"Let's move faster" he left her, rode on his vehicle and kicked reigniting it. And then wait for her to climb on the back seat.

Waiting for some seconds struggling in her mind do or not to, she finally climbed on the seat behind his back holding on his shoulder. And avoided Neil's curious amused gaze over her. "Bappa, Bajranbali, hey Matarani, kalima, Shivji bacha Lena" She perspired, chanted some more names of God and goddesses inwardly taking a deep breath.

"Hold me tight. And Relax" his voice gentle.

Ouch! She rubbed her forehead roughly. Her shivering hands were about to hold him tight but the big helmet on her head hit Neil's helmet that he just wear it on.

He let out a chuckle shaking his head and sped up.

"How mean. Kangaroo" She slurred, got annoyed. But wasn't longer.
Avni gripped her balance holding him tighter.
And this made his smug smirk grew deeper.

"You shouldn't drive this fast you know that. It's unsafe" around fifteen minutes of drive Avni muttered over Neil's shoulder.

"This is the second lowest speed bachha" he replied back.

"Stupid" she gritted and turned her face another side being annoyed by his reply. Her lungs is almost to her throat in terrify. Only she knows how this bikes are nightmares to her.

"Sorry!" Neil turned his head to her side to hear her, his eyes on the road.

"Yes you are" she kept mouthing, made Neil bemused slightly but he resumed concentrating on his driving.

"You wrap your arms around my waist. You will feel better" he talked after a while.

"Nope I'm okay" she answered shrugging him off.

"Give me your hands" he called out for her arms.

"Nope" she threw tantrums.

He took her arms and wrapped them around his waist. And smiled.

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