Chapter 11

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I asked my house helper Raju to pack for two lunches Today...he gave me an amusing smile lowering his eyes putting the lunch box inside the lunch carry..

In the morning I mean yesterday morning he was surprised when I said him that I'll prepare the curry. he kept staring at me for some few seconds when I frowned back he averted his gaze and got busy cleaning my room..

Even today in the morning after coming back from gym ,I informed him that he would just prepare the roti and a sabjee but the other one I'll prepare. So before I would leave and have my bath I said him to get ready with the paneer taking it out from the freezer, that I'll prepare after having done my necessities.

Except my Mom and some of my very close friends knows about my cooking skills. I haven't ever prepared food for any other person out of this box not even ever thought to...
But unknowingly and definitely unpurposely Avni has entered into that list of my special handful people..

Is she someone special to me!!!

Intuitively a smile grew on my lips travelling through my eyes while putting the Paneer Do Pyaza inside an air tight micro waved container separately.



"Where are you dumbo!! Me and agent dada is waiting for you since one hour" I said almost shouting at Rehaan over the call.

"Chupkar Dramebaaz it's only 5mins past you people have reached there..and now stop your bakwas let me focus on the road it's just 2mins route farther..I'll be right there" Rehaan replied over the bluetooth moving his car gear in his left hand and the right is rolling the steering wheel...

"Shut up and come fast" Avni cut off the call pulling down her pH from her ear.
She turned her face and gave a cheeky smile to Agent dada..

Last night around 9 pm Avni informed Raj Sir that she won't be able to come to the shoot next day because she have to go to help her best friend Rehaan in search of a suitable apartment for settling in Mumbai.

Rehaan is her friend since they were in kindergarten. Studying in the same school and having houses in the same route they used to travel by the school bus together. And gradually they became best friends sharing their every single secrets to eachother including their crushes.
However at some point of time there togetherness had almost made Rehaan's Mom Dad and elder brother Ridaan believing that Avni will be their daughter in law soon. Whereas they both had never ever felt such kind of passion for eachother instead being close buddy.
Eventually their family soon realised that it's gonna be never happen with this two impossible soul.
Rehaan is that kind of friend of Avni who is a combination of friend and guardian at the same time.which is known as frian in friendship dictionary.
But their relationship always had been judged by the people around them as a love. Although in their friendship there is no such space had ever arose for possessiveness or jealousy which always ended up in a love relationships.These two adjectives have no place in this friendship.
Therefore the fact is they are purely enveloped with eachother in love and support excluding passion and romance.

Apparently until our 12th board we followed eachother and then eventually because of choosing our different career goals we parted.
Obviously visually not mentally. He chose IIT and Me Films study so I'm here in Mumbai leaving my homeland Gujarat as same as him. On the other hand he quit the Company in Ahmedabad in which he has worked for last two years. And recently joined another in Mumbai as per as his designation demands.

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