Chapter 29

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Today's chappie will give you some glimpse of Avni's life. So read the update when you aren't in hurry to end it fast. Do not skip any part or else you wouldn't be understand her povs later.



I'm getting used to this man as the day passing by. I thought I wouldn't be attached to him much, I'll go with the flow but you know what life doesn't go as per as our accord and drafting, it just happens the way it should have been directed by our destiny.

Yeah, I think I'm falling for this man and that's not at all a good news to me either. Attachment always lead to the path towards heart break, it's a proven fact. Rarely has succeeded some luckiest souls, if you would say ever exist.

At the age when a child is supposed to get pampered by her parents being in their shelter of love and affection, I had been brought up alone by my Nonna, my granny.
After my Mom's death. I always wanted my dad to be with me. Every night I craved for him to be by my side, holding me, telling me bed time Stories as I always heard of do my friends daddies at their sleeping time.
I used to act well. I had been most of the time given the lead roles in my school drama. I so wanted my Dad to see me participating in those school celebration days, instead he always prioritise his work and his people.
My dad is an influential Business Man.I know how hectic his work is. He is a busy person but I just wanted some few minutes from his life. That's all I could have wished for in that lil age of mine but he never failed got me disappointed all the time I had expected him to attend such events. Everytime until the end I used to be very positive, hopeful that may be he will keep his promise this time but invariably he presented me the same grief, desolation, fragmented my heart into shards for having such remorseful expections towards him.
By the time growing up I understood that he also had to spend time with his family parallely saving time from his busy schedule. May be I'm expecting too much being his daughter which I shouldn't. And since that day I willed, entirely engraved all my hopes somewhere at the back of my brain.

Yes My Dad has family.
He got married his Charter Accountant Alisha Jeordon the year my Mom died. They lives in US.
When I was two and half month older, my step brother Adithya was born.

My mom died when I was an hour born baby...She got to know when I'm already 2momths grown embryo inside her womb. She has some severe health issues the reason for her gynecologist had suggested her that she won't be give birth to a baby right then, her condition will deteriorate if she would go for giving birth to her child.
But My Mamma chosen me instead curing herself and after going through many painful days being pregnant she left me finally giving my entire responsibility to Nonna my Mom's favourite person. Being a mother in law she never loved my Mamma less than her own daughter if she would have. Nonna understand me, she never forced me to go and live with her son, my Dad's family whenever he had come to take me with him.

Yes he came many times to convince me to move with him but I had got already used to live without him. And on top of that I wouldn't be able to adjust with his family in another country leaving my people here.Rather willingly I preferred to be in my place, in my home around my own people Nonna, Rehaan, my two only family I have. And my mom's touch each corner as well as around my house, including that sunflower garden sowed by her we have in our lawn.
So it's by choice I choose to stay here being in my soul instead being extra burden in my father's life and in his world.
In this house I can feel my Mom, her smell, her touch in every corner around. Whenever I get sad or upset with my life I come back home and opened my Mom's wardrobe and smell her sent she left in her clothes. It sooth my every pain, my sorrows, my heart breaks since I was in kindergarten. I still remember Nonna used to drap me with her clothes whenever I got upset with something not acceptable happened in my life, it always made me feel my Mom is around, she is loving me.. calling me "bachha I'm here share me everything that bothers you...I have left all my work undone only to be with you, to caress you baby..come sleep on my lap...I will never leave you sleeping alone...I'll be there beside you...closer you.." And draping her smell upon me I slept to wake up a new me everytime, away my worries.

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