Chapter 53

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I do not want to aggravate things but it's like he hasn't left any other options for me not to.

He has nerve to checking me out shamelessly head to toe. Wasn't he indignant on me a moment ago!

Ignoring his gape over me, I constricted my face straight, strode towards the kitchen where I spotted Aunty while strolling down the stairs. She and that lady their cook, both were busy making some last minute sweet dishes they must have decided to severe at end of supper tonight. Most of the dishes were ready, laid on the counter slab waiting to be garnished soon.

When did they make so many food! Wasn't Aunty an hour before with us in the mall picking ingredients for the recipe! And here everything has been done within an hour. How's this possible!

Seeing me leaning at the counter other side Aunty flashed me a soft smile and got back to pull out three dry fruits container out of the kitchen closet. She passed me one of them and carrying other two she passed over me to the dinning hall. Before I followed her, I grabbed a bowl off the counter near thinking it can be needed.

She put the things on the table so did I the same. and we pulled the chair, took the seats opposite to eachother.

"Why he is so pissed" she asked, opening the cashew nut container cap. Her voice was casual nothing close to meddlesome but still her sudden query caused me slightly discomfit. I blinked twice before talking when she spoke again.

"He is becoming his father. I see." She said, blew out a deep sigh, nodded thoughtfully before she redeemed.
" Prakashji used to be this pissed when I talk to any other guy in university...
You know he used to pick up me every day at the dismiss hour. And now Tillu is so him." Her hands stopped moving, she shifted her eyes up, not any particular direction. A small smile appeared on her lips wistfully for few seconds. She immediately regained and her eyes said when they met mine, that she got zoned out thinking of her husband. I saw a melancholy gleam in her gaze stayed for few seconds, then disappeared. She miss uncle a lot, it's quite evident.

" you know" my voice slightly trembled. My right fingers pushed some hair strands away my forehead and tuck them behind my ear gingerly.

"I knew it when I saw him clenching and loosening his jaw standing over there facing the refrigerator" her gaze averted to the spot Neil was sitting with a guy of his age, they were quite far away. Following her gaze my eyes locked at him, seemed he was talking something serious to that guy. It was too late, before I could have averted my gaze he caught me looking at him and I saw his eyes turned into slit and his lips cocky. How dare he look at me this way when he is the person who upbraided me being overly possessive.

Possessive! It's hot Avni.
You always fantasized having a possessive boyfriend. Don't you!

I immediately darted my gaze away.

That's one of the most specific reasons I had never fell for Rehaan nor even experienced any hormonal attraction over him, while Adi and Nonna used to continuously teasing me everytime they found me spending time with my Bestie. Rehan was never been any close to possessive. He is a sweet and calm soul. He never gets into fight nor ever bad mouthed anyone unless Monish. But that total incident I hide from Adi and Nonna or else...god knows what Adi would have had cooked inside his that hollow head or they could have said anything stupid to Rehaan on the process.

Neil is my dream man. Exactly the same I wanted my boyfriend would be.

And You are disgusting, do you know that! I gulped when my inner self almost attempted to smack across my cheeks when she found me subsiding the determination not to talk to him tonight. Really hopeless of me.

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