Chapter 51

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Here is the update.* Long Update*
Have a nice weekend.


I exited the bathroom. I had a warm long shower. It has drained out the jet lag away my body. The vanilla shampoo and blueberry body wash not only released the dirt off my skin, also it's fragrance has created havoc freshness to my mind and parallelly my body cells are all charged up leaving the fatigue away.

It's a beautiful bedroom with everywhere wood around. The best part is a small terrace attached to the room, actually both the room. Mine and Neil.
I took a round, dried my hair shortly with the breeze guided by the soothing winter sunrays hovering over me. My body leaning against the banister. The cool breeze causing shiver blowing through my wet hair, yet the warmth of sun was enough to mollifying it's harshness. I wrapped the furry soft stole closer my body feeling cold. That I have packed last night shoving it along with other essential stuffs inside my backpack. Raj Sir gifted me last year, he brought it for me from Santorini. It was family holiday, they went to Greece.

Neil's door was closed, I thought not to bother him. As I was apprised, my Dad was trying to catch me over calls, I had barely any other options not to give him an answering dial.

I searched my Dad's number in my contact list and then pressed the device on my right ear, uninterestedly waited for him to interrupt the ring on the other side.

It says when you are in love everything goes round and you feel utterly happy from inside.
Any transactions like melancholy, doldrums could barely effect you being with the person you found your true love, your soulmate. I have heard this before several times said people in love. Today I have actually know how it feels.

That's what I felt talking to my father. He kept talking, I kept replying without being annoyed genuinely like always it shows through the throw of my speech everytime he go for some conversation with me. But this time it is different.

He must be thinking there something is off with me, exactly when a chuckle slipped off my mouth hearing Adi's yells at the background, that rushed into my ears breaking through our conversion.

This was first time after years he might have heard my genuine laughter.
This boy, something is always up with him. He is shouting at his Mom I can surmise by his annoying tone. It was a sulky one, seems she annoyed him badly this time. I couldn't stop myself not to giggle at his faint squawks at the back of the room Dad was inside. When I heard a deep sigh at the other end I cleared my throat and asked dad what's up to him. He said Darcy is grounding him, Adi burned the kitchen, since an hour he is battling with the oven on making some Chicken Sandwich. That he has learnt in some travel channel, Dad added with his most fatigued tone. Adi and cooking what the hell with this boy now! Within a minute less we hung up. Nothing important, it was just an call to inform me he will be in India within a month next. While talking to dad I was irritated today for something else, that is my Instagram constant notification tune in between our talk. To hell with this people who keeps chatting work regarding topics on their day off. Still I need to go through all of them in search of something important if I miss.

A tiring sigh blew out my chest. Sunlight makes my eyes blind, I can't see the screen in day light. My hair almost dried down, I would leave this beautiful spot now. And I did what I said.


"Bachha!" My eyes peered, blinked few times to have a better view, then widened. There is a human face hovered an inch away staring at me. Obviously it would be human as I'm not  a jungle sleep beauty.

"What the......"a loud gasp blew out my lips, my sentence left incomplete. I jolted my neck upward, my view cleared I saw the person, then slammed back my head on the pillow calming down my thumping heart.

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