Chapter 54 - Dinner for two

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"I know what I'm going to cook," Jane exclaimed happily at Luna.

"And?" Luna asked curiously, as they were both walking out of HG.

"Lasagne, it used to be his favourite dish."

"That's perfect," Luna said, clapping her hands happily.

"I'm going to make a salad and some cold tapas as starters."

"Sounds delicious. Off you go now," Luna said. They hugged and Jane took a taxi home, so she would not waste time on the metro.

At home, she changed into a pair of jeans, a white top, and an oversized pink sweater. She took off her make-up, picked up her phone and went to the kitchen to start cooking. The lasagne took a long time, but it smelled delicious. She had just taken it out of the oven to cool down and was finishing up the starters when she heard the elevator doors.

"Hey L.J., I'm home," Alek said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," Jane replied nervously as she walked to him and kissed him on the mouth.

"For you," he said, giving her a bouquet of white roses. "They had no mimosas this time of year, sorry."

"Thank you, Alek," she kissed him on the lips again, and he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

"It smells delicious, L.J.," he smiled against her lips.

"It's lasagne. I remembered you used to like it," she stopped talking as she saw his features change.

"You've made me lasagne?" he whispered. "I... I haven't had lasagne since... My mom used to make it for my birthday every year..." His voice was about to break as he looked down at her.

"I didn't know! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have! I..."

"Don't apologise. I love it," he said, kissing her again. "You're the best, L.J.," he said against her lips.

"Thanks. Go get changed and come right back, everything is ready."

"Will do," he kissed her again and run upstairs to get changed. He put on a pair of loose jeans and a blue t-shirt, because he knew she loved it when he wore something blue. He laughed at himself for thinking like that.

Walking downstairs, he saw Jane putting the flowers he had bought for her in a vase on the dining table, next to the food she had prepared for them. He joined her and they sat down together, too close, and still too far.

"You look nice," she said to him.

"Thanks," he replied, glad he had made her happy. "It all looks delicious. Thanks for doing this, L.J.," he whispered to her, taking her hand in his.

"You're welcome," she smiled at him. "Let's eat, please."

They finished the starters quickly, Alek eating hungrily. "You are an amazing cook, L.J.!"

"Glad you like it."

"I love it. Thank God I work out, or I'd end up as chubby as a seal if you cook for me like this every day."

"Chubby as a seal?" she laughed.

"Seals are chubby, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She wanted to say that it would be amazing to have dinner with him every night, but she was not brave enough to speak the words. He took her hand in his for a moment, looking into her eyes. She did not need to say anything, as he had already read her mind. Instead, she said, "I'll bring the lasagne."

They both stood up and he helped her bring the empty plates back in the kitchen. She served the lasagne, a huge slice for him and a big slice for her. They walked back to the dining table, each holding their plate.

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