Chapter 1 - Challenging meeting with a sweet ending

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Jane Gutiérrez Shaw, also known as L.J. -Little Jane-, went down to the Metro station, and slowly walked through the slightly less crowded station, thanks to it being Saturday 9am. She sent a WhatsApp to her best friend Luna, telling her that she was on her way. The meeting with Ángela's parents would only start at 11am, but they both wanted to be there early to get ready and most importantly to prepare Ángela; she was probably a train wreck by now. Well, Jane herself felt like a train wreck, worrying over Ángela's parents and how they were going to react at seeing their daughter and their niece for the first time after they had thrown their daughter out of their house for being pregnant at fifteen.

As her mind was going over every possible situation and question they might have in order to issue a prompt response, she could not help but remember a similar situation, but with her as the underage pregnant girl, confessing to her parents what had happened. In truth, it had been a while since her mind had taken her back then, and if she was being honest with herself, she owed it to Cain. He had given her life a new meaning, in addition to her full-time job at "HG" Home for girls. She loved her job and had worked very hard to build a shelter for underage pregnant girls, but some days, like today, it was harder than usual and her own past as a pregnant teenager surfaced and made it even harder for her to stay detached and professional. Because of that, Cain had been a nice change, a balm for her still bleeding wounds, filling Jane's life with love and laughter.

Wrapped up in her thoughts, she almost missed her stop and got up fast just in time to walk out of the metro doors. She then proceeded up the stairs and when she made it out, she noticed the sky was getting clearer and she could even see a ray of sunshine. She took that as a good omen and became hopeful for her meeting. When she arrived in front of the tall brick building, she stopped on the opposite side, as she did every morning, taking in the view and reading the big letters "HG" Home for girls and smiled proudly as anyone who had made their dream come true would. She crossed the street and said hello to the guard stationed at the entrance, giving him a smile, and asking for updates. Nothing new to report, that was a good thing. She turned around and looked at the street she had just crossed. She felt like someone was watching her, but no one caught her eye, so she let it go.

Luna was already in her office, waiting for her, with a coffee mug in her hand, as the good coffee addict that she was. Her best friend smiled at her and stood up to follow Jane to her office, her cup of coffee in her hand.

"Morning girl! Ready to take on the world?" Luna asked. It had become her catch phrase, ever since university when they had decided to work together and build HG. It seemed like an impossible quest, so her catch phrase every morning gave them both the strength they needed to make their dream come true.

"Morning girl!" Jane replied with a kiss and a smile for her best friend. "I'll take on everything with you by my side," she replied as she always did. And how true were those words. She did not think she would have amounted to much in her life without Luna. "I see that you gave in and didn't wear red for once," she said with a smile.

Luna Wright believed that as a redhead she had to wear something red every day. Therefore, asking her not to wear something red to the meeting today and she actually agreeing, was something major. She was a tall, beautiful redhead, full of freckles and joy, quite an English appearance but with a sense of humour. She was taller than Jane, but since she hated wearing heals, no one ever noticed.

"Right? How nice of me! Though just because you can't see I'm wearing something red, doesn't mean I'm not," she replied with a wink.

"I don't need to know the colour of your underwear Luna," Jane laughed, shaking her head.

Luna ignored her comment and said in a more serious tone, "I've asked Martina to go upstairs and take care of Ángela's baby while we talk to her before her parents show up. She should be down any minute."

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