Chapter 76 - I'm sorry.

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Cain had managed to finish his deal a bit earlier than expected, therefore he called the pilot to get the jet ready so he could return home early and maybe even catch a glimpse of Jane before she went to work. He landed in Madrid a bit later than he had hoped and Jane had probably already left for work, which reminded him that he really needed to talk to her about quitting that job of hers so he could have her all to himself. Soon, he promised.

When he arrived at the penthouse, the house was buzzing with activity, all the staff at work cleaning up. He went straight to his bedroom and left his luggage there. He thought he heard Alek's voice, so he looked down, but he was not in his office. He walked to Alek's bedroom next and after a quick knock, he opened the door.

The scene before him was something he had not expected. It was not unusual to see Alek's bed completely undone after he had spent a weekend having sex with one or multiple girls, but not this weekend! This weekend Alek had been with Jane alone and there hab been no sex involved, right?

"Xander?" Cain called out, hoping for Alek to reply so he could put an end to his stupid jealousy.

As no one replied, Cain was about to close the door behind him and forget about it, but his eyes caught something on the nightstand, making him freeze where he stood. It looked like a painting of a couple dancing. He had never seen it in Alek's bedroom before, so he walked in and took the drawing in his hands.

"It can't be," Cain whispered, as he recognised Alek and Jane dancing together in the Retiro park, his tall features and her blond curls were unmistakable despite the poor quality of the painting.

It felt like the floor was crumbling under his feet, so he quickly sat on the bed before he fell face first on the floor. He let go of the painting and looked around, hoping to see anything that would deter him from the conclusions he was drawing. A small bag in the bathroom counter drew his attention and he jumped out of the bed, picking it up. It was Jane's, the small bag where she kept her birth control pills, was just sitting on top of the counter. He took it back with him in the bedroom and then looked again at the bed.

"This is not possible," he repeated to himself again.

Despite his better judgement, needing to put an end to this train of thought, he walked to the bed and smelled the pillows. Something broke inside of him when he smelled Jane's perfume on them. There was no doubt it was her smell, the smell he loved that reminded him of her, of home.

A loud scream escaped his lips, muffled by the cushions as he fell on top of the bed, his legs unable to sustain him any longer. He could not believe what was happening, but how could it be otherwise? Jane, his fiancée had spent the weekend having sex with his brother! He stood up, took out his phone wanting to call them, yell at them... Then he stopped, looking at the painting in front of him, of Alek, holding his long-lost girlfriend in his arms. For some reason, Cain noticed only now that the girl had blond curly hair, just like his Jane.

"Is this even possible?" he asked, feeling his rage overpower him.

He remembered never meeting Alek's girl or even seeing a picture of her. Then a memory appeared in his mind, the night Alek and Jane had met for the first time, when Alek had finally returned to Madrid. He had thought that it had been strange, that they looked too pale and weird for two people that had never met before. After dinner, they had left together, leaving him home alone. Was this possible? Could his Jane be Alek's long-lost girlfriend? Had they betrayed him all this time?

"Why not?" he grunted, feeling like a fool. Jane had barely slept with him since then. That's when they had started to have problems and she had wanted to have some distance from him.

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