Chapter 14 - A romantic dinner for four

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Antonio drove them to the restaurant. They arrived just in time, though with Cain's name and reputation, they would never be left without a table. It was her favourite fish restaurant, it was too classy for her, hence the long silver dress, but the fish was fresh and delicious. They walked in and the hostess welcomed them immediately, showing them to their usual table, by the right corner where it was the most private. Cain ordered champagne for them while Jane was deciding how much she could eat and what she wanted most...

"Look who's here," Cain exclaimed, standing up.

Jane turned around just in time to see Alek walk in with another woman, a beautiful dark hair exotic woman, wearing a long black dress and red lipstick. She looked more like a model than a businesswoman, that is if what Alek had said was true - a work dinner -. Well, if that's how his co-workers look, Jane did not stand a chance. The hostess recognised them immediately and walked them in. Before they could follow her to the other side of the restaurant, Cain motioned for them to join them. He happily walked to the woman and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, and they laughed about something.

"Allow me to introduce my fiancée, Jane," Cain said, walking her to Jane. "Jane this is Layla, an old friend and business partner."

"Nice to meet you," Jane whispered, barely able to stand up from her seat.

"I'm so glad to finally meet the stunning woman who could straighten up our hopeless bachelor."

Which one of them, thought Jane, Cain or Alek? "Thank you," Jane replied, trying not to look at Alek. He had changed into a grey suit with a black shirt and black tie. He looked so good.

"Hi Jane," Alek said, as he walked closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You look lovely tonight!"

"Thank you," Jane whispered, avoiding his eyes.

"I had to bring Xander here, can you imagine he has never been to this restaurant before," Layla said, smiling at Alek.

"It's Jane's favourite restaurant," Cain said. "We're here often."

"Me too," Layla agreed.

"Why don't we let you two lovebirds enjoy your dinner," Cain added, as Layla laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world. Alek and Jane did not laugh, they just looked at each other, without saying a word.

"Enjoy your dinner," Jane said, looking harshly at Alek. "It was so nice to meet you Layla," she even managed a smile.

"It was lovely meeting you Jane! We should have dinner the four of us soon and get to know each other. I have much dirt on Cain," Layla laughed.

"Yes, we should," Jane replied, thinking she would never agree to that.

Alek and Layla turned around and followed the hostess to their table. Unfortunately, Jane had a direct view of their table, she was facing Alek and he was facing her. They looked at each other from afar until their attention was required by their partners.

"How do you like Layla? I think she's perfect for Xander," Cain said as they sat back down.

"She is beautiful," Jane said, despising Layla to her core, even if she had not done anything to deserve it.

"She is stunning," Cain smiled. "I've been trying to get them back together for a while now."

"Back together?" Jane asked, distressed.

"Yes, they've been sleeping together for years, never taken it any further. But now I think it's the right time. Xander is in a good place and a woman like Layla can definitely turn him around."

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