Chapter 37 - Moving day

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Cain whispered as he kissed her on the mouth. "Time to wake up."

"Morning," Jane groaned. "What time is it?"

"8:30 am. The movers will be in your apartment at 10am, so I let you sleep in. It looked like you needed it," Cain explained.

"Yeah, I don't feel well."

"Are you coming down with something?" Cain asked, looking worried.

"Just tired I guess." Starting the day with a lie, it looked promising, but she was hoping that her feeling unwell might get him to push the moving day to another week or month.

"Oh, sorry, baby. You can stay in bed, and I can take care of the movers for you."

"That won't be necessary," Jane sighed sitting up. "I think I'll just bring the essentials here, and then we can do a bigger move, whenever my office is ready here and when I decide what to do with my furniture."

"Sounds good to me! I just care about having you sleep in my bed with me, night after night."

"You're the best, babe," Jane said, brushing her lips to his, feeling like the worst fiancée in the world. "I'll hop in the shower now; you can go to work if you have to."

"Yes, I'll get going, so I can try to finish early, and we can have a quiet dinner at home."

"Sounds good! Have a nice day, babe."

"You too, babe. And call me if you need me, I can stop by and help you."

"OK, thanks."

Half an hour later, Jane had showered and dried her hair; and was getting dressed, a pair of loose jeans, an extra-large hoodie, and sneakers. She was going for comfort, and it seemed to work. She picked up her phone to call her parents, but she saw she had a message from Alek.

"Morning, L.J.! I hope you had a lovely dinner last night and a good night sleep. I have meetings all morning, but I'm hoping to wrap it up in time to go for a quick ride through the jungle in the afternoon. Good luck with your moving. I'll try to call you around 1pm your time, if you're not too busy. Talk to you later, -A"

"Morning, Alek! The dinner was very elegant, but it was a nice evening. Good luck with your meeting. Call me later, -L.J."

"Morning, Rosa," Jane said as she walked in the kitchen.

"Morning, Jane! How was your birthday?" Rosa asked, as she put a large plate of food in front of her.

"All good," Jane replied. "I'm tired honestly and not looking forward to the hustle of the move."

"I can come with you and help you out," Rosa offered.

"Thank you, but it's not necessary. You'll have enough to do here once the boxes arrive."

"As you wish. Call me if you change your mind."

"I will." She finished her breakfast quickly and said her goodbyes to Rosa.

Down in the lobby, she asked Juan to call for a taxi as she called her parents.

"¡Buenos días, Jane!" her parents said at the same time. Good morning, Jane!

"¡Hola! ¿Qué tal estáis?" Jane replied. Hello! How are you?

"Todo bien, hija. ¿Cómo vas con la mudanza? Podemos ir a echarte una mano, si quieres," Alberto offered. All good, daughter. How is the moving going? We can go and lend you a hand if you want.

"No creo que haga falta, pero os llamo si os necesito, ¿vale?" Jane said quickly, not wanting her parents to worry. She did not feel like having her mother there and questioning her every decision, or worse, understanding that Jane did not want to move at all. I don't think it's going to be necessary, but I will call you if I need you, OK?

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