'Hurry up now! we'll be late for service!', mum snapped from the house door.
She had been ready since but her mother gave her chores that had her grumbling all the way, 'I'm almost done mummy!', she yelled back as she stacked the dishes her brother was meant to wash the night before.
Soon they were alighting the taxi that stopped at the church gate. They hurried in and were able to say the first amen that signified the start of the service.
'Thank God we didn't miss the angel's attendance', her mum said happily as she located a seat. She and her brother went towards the teens section. In their church opening prayers were done together before they all separated into their various classes.
As the prayers ended she walked her brother to his pre-teens class before entering the next door for teenagers. She'd just joined them that year due to her class, at the age of twelve she was meant to be in the pre-teens class.
Good morning everyone, hope you had a great week and are anticipating an even greater week?', the Pst Dolapo asked as she spoke from the pulpit.
'Yes ma', was replied in varying tones and volumes.
'Very good, today we have an interesting topic. Build your life on truth, our theme scripture will be from Psalm 119 verses 105. If you have it please read for us', someone stood up and read it out.
'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path'
'Hallelujah! Many have founded their lives on the misinformation, assumptions and theories of men, rather than on the Word of God. Unlike this world and everything in it, you can rely on the Word; it's infallible, and immutable; the Word is eternal, and must be the source of the information you live by.
The internet where many consult for information has been corrupted and invaded with disinformation to rob you of your faith in the Bible and Jesus Christ.
They write things against the Bible, against the things that Jesus said, against the things the prophets said. They claim to find contradictions in the Bible and that it needs to be reviewed. These are misguided minds and deceivers who are void of the Holy Spirit!
The Bible is the only reliable material on the face of the earth. When you stand before the Lord, He's not going to ask you what your history teacher or professor taught you. He's going to ask you about His Word, because the information therein was God-inspired.
Our opening verse describes the ministry of the Word in giving you direction in life. No matter what you hear or read, follow only the guidance and direction of the Word. Build your life on God's truth.
These words we have heard today are not meant to pull you down if you've fallen prey to the internet falsehoods, this is to tell you that God's word is your way out of it. If you learn nothing today, just take home that if it isn't God's word then its a lie. Let us bow our heads in prayers, thanking the Lord for what we have learnt today',
By the time the were done the adults were still deep in their message. The teenagers of course escaped to go have some alone time before their parents remembered them.
'Queen Esther wait for me!', her brother Joel shouted as she moved towards the gate.
'Mum said i should give you this for ice cream. i forgot to give it to you yesterday night', she took the money from her and instead two they bought one and shared. Saving the remaining money for a rainy day. Their tactic had gotten them seen thousand naira to share last year.
A commotion soon got their attention, the bigger teenagers began ushering them quickly into the church compound.
'Run my friend!!', one of them yelled and they all ran into the gate and shut it properly.
The head usher saw them run inside and went to find out what the problem was. As the DPO of the station, he took his job quite seriously.
'What happened?', he asked Snr David
'Don't mind this foolish Joshua, I've been telling him and his friends that one day that Doberman wold break its chain and give him the chase of his life. They wouldn't leave it alone, always throwing things at it, well today the dog was unchained and sleeping. This idiot went and poured water on it, we all ran so that the dog won't lose focus and face us', he said angrily and the said Joshua looked pale.
'That was not a smart move on your part Joshua, maybe i'll tie you up and give to the dog', Joshua's eyes turned to saucers.
'Oya go back inside all of you and stay there till your parents come for you', they all entered the teens church where suddenly someone shouted,
'Omooo!! if you see how Joshy take fly eh!! en leg no touch ground!! awon mr. flash!', they all erupted with laughter each telling the varying degrees of scares they got.
o men! till this happens to you or you witness this you definitely can't relate
The message was coined from Rhapsody of Realities February 2021 edition, if you need the ecopies feel free to ask. i can get it to you for free!
and share
God bless you

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Teen FictionBook 1 What do you do when you catch the attention of the most popular boy in school? How do you say no and still be free to walk the halls of the school? Suddenly everybody knows you, some want to be you and some pity you. All she wanted to do was...