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****Fast forward****

Her notes were switching between German and Swahili for the past thirty minutes. Her head hurt, she was stressed beyond words but she just didn't want to stop.

Her phone ringing got her attention, she saw the caller ID and debated if she should answer or not. She answered before the phone finished ringing.

'Hi, good afternoon',

She listened for a while before she burst out laughing. Gosh she truly missed him.

'Daniel let me call you call you back much later. I'm trying to finish this my biology note',

'One step at a time babe, don't stress yourself or you'll fall sick',

'Too late, my stress-o-meter is already broken from the amount of stress it's recording',

'Alright, I'll see you this weekend. Take a break though',

'Will do, eventually. Maybe after the waec exams. But I'll rest eventually',

'Alright, my next lecturer is here',

'Okay bye'


She dropped her phone and massaged her temple. Now she understood all the stress that Daniel went through during his time. Good thing he aced all his papers.

Shola had slept off one hour ago and was trying to wake up at the moment.

'Babe make I waka small before I come continue. You sef try sleep', she left to go walk the sleep off.

Esther tried once more and then thought it best to sleep before her head imploded.

Exactly one hour later she woke up feeling better and started reading afresh what she read for that day. Happy that the note was now making sense.


'The invigilator will soon be here, all SS3 students should make their way to the examination hall. Remember no form of exam malpractice will be tolerated! Behave yourselves and represent us well.

Gather around for a brief prayer. Tobe come and say prayers for your classmates',

'In Jesus name-', after the prayers the all dispersed to their various corners till the invigilator showed up for the first waec paper which was English language.

After the first paper, those offering biology were given an hour break before being ushered in for their next paper.

By the end of the paper, Esther wanted nothing more than to drop on her bed and sleep. But getting to the said bed meant going home.

She yawned as she packed her bag, Tope walked up to her.

'SP leave alone I'm going home home', she said before he opened his mouth.

'Utility calm down na, I been wan ask if water de run as I nur see your successor',

'That becomes the school's problem o, I've handed over is I've handed over. Abeg I get physics and geography tomorrow. I need to rest. Bye bye', she branched off the opposite direction from Tobe.

Getting home she first sent a text to her mum that she was home, sent one to Daniel to discourage any phone calls before she was ready to wake up.

A text to Shola, then a text to her cell leader in church. Her phone was promptly put on silence after she'd set an alarm.

The alarm rang but she was already awake. Stretching out she stood up from her bed and went to find something to eat. There was nothing prepared in the kitchen, she immediately started setting things out to prepare rice.

After two hours she was settled on her reading table with her books and her food nearby. A quick glance at her phone showed responses to the messages she sent earlier. She quickly read through them, set the phone down and began her revisions against her next papers.

'Nne have you eaten anything?', her mum's voice snapped her back to reality.

She glanced at her plate and found that she hadn't eaten up to half of it.

'I'm eating and reading mummy',

'You're just reading. Not eating, oya close the book first. Finish eating, then go back to it. You need energy to learn anything and to also reproduce it', she groaned but did as she was told.

'Not here o, in the parlor. Let's go',

'Mummy na!',

'Get up my friend!', she stood up with her plate in her hand and walked ahead of her mother to the parlor.

'Take this as well', she took the bananas handed to her.

After eating, and her mother was satisfied that she had eaten she was left to go continue her reading. The only thing her mum had conceded for her was her shortened sleeping time.

By 2am she felt ready for her physics examination. Geography was never an issue for her, so after an hour she was dully refreshed for her papers.

Yawning she lay on her bed and set her alarm for 6am. This would be her routine till the exams were over.

By 6:15 her phone rang waking her up. She saw it was Daniel and answered.

'Still sleeping?',

'Just woke up'

'How are you? Ready for the exams?',

'I'm fine, I'm as ready as I'll ever be',

'That's good, pray before you enter the hall. See if you can do a little revision before the exam starts',

'Thank you, what about you though? How are you?',

'I'm good too babe. Let's talk properly after your exams okay?',


'Okay, love you bye',

She put her phone down and prepared for the day. In thirty minutes she was dressed to go.

While standing she picked up her rhapsody of realities teevo that was always on her bed and read the message for the day.

After which she prayed, did her daily confessions before setting out for the day.

'Enyi a come and take your food', her mum called out as she was at the door.

'Mummy good morning, thank you', she just took the lunch bag and hurried out.

Taking a bike she was in school by 7:45 am. More than enough time to do one more revision for the upcoming exams.



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