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Want to give a shout out to all my readers especially rhe_xxa2 ..... you rock!!


'Good evening, what are you having?',

With the mock exams tidily done and with results she could live with, she decided to make an appearance at her mom's store.

She was on auto mode as she dealt with each customer. Her results were not as high as she would have wanted but it was definitely an improvement from her usual parallel 'C's. Out of the ten subjects she had six B's.

Who was she kidding she was ecstatic!

But that mood soon left as the night dragged.

Finally a questionably looking guy walked up to the show case.

'Good evening what are you having?',

'I want yam and potatoes', he said in a gruff voice. A quick breathe told her he was high on something, as well as reeked of it.

Dutifully she packed what he asked and they dropped from her hand the moment she spotted the gun he had under his shirt.

He'd lifted the shirt to retrieve money but he didn't miss her dropping the fries.

'No de fear, it's not for you. Oya gimme change make I waka', he was acting like the sight of a gun on a drunk was reassuring.

She quickly gave him his change and fries. The moment he was safely out of range she ran to her mom who was at the back washing up for the night.


'Why are you shouting by this time? What happened?', she rinsed her hands as she fired the questions.

'Mommy he had a gun! The man I just sold to. He was smelling of weed and beer, and he had a gun!!', she was visibly shaking.

'Chukwu ekwela ihe ojo! God forbid evil from befalling his children!! Oya, it's time to go home, the one we've sold is enough. Finish up here let me go and pack up in front!', her mom started speaking in tongues and declaring scriptures that spoke about God's protection as she moved with speed and ease. Packing up everything.

The army hilux packed in front of her shop but she paid them no mind as she studiously packed up.

Not today devil! Not my daughter oh Lord!

She muttered as she packed up.

'Madam, do you have anything for us?',

'Oga good evening, we're closing early. Small emergency, but say what you want I can pack it if we have it',

Ugochukwu watched the woman try to appear calm but she was clearly spooked. His sister had tried for years to hide the abuse she suffered from her son's father, but he could always read her well.

'Did something happen?', he asked her. Not expecting the truth but he asked all the same.

'Oga, someone carrying a gun came to buy market. Scared my daughter, so please I want to go home. I don't even have the energy or zeal to deal if he chooses to come back with friends. It's just me and my daughter, nobody to fight for us. Here take, don't worry it's on the house', she gave him the last batch of everything.

'Thank you, I'll look into it or ask someone to. You don't need that kind of disturbance',

'Thank you, but we're still going home',

'Yes, but I'll wait and drop you off',

'There's no need oga, we'll manage',

'No ma, there's a need. It won't cost me anything',

'Thank you very much! Ada! Let's go o, let's not keep Oga waiting'.

Within thirty minutes they were in their home. As Esther was getting ready to sleep she heard her mum call her.

'My friend come here o, the devil cannot have this one. Oya let's pray, call your brother. Ekwensu ihere me gi n'uwa!!',

They prayed for about two hours before their mum released them to go and continued the prayers.

At some point in the night Esther felt hands on her forehead, she opened her eyes to see her mum praying over her with her hands on her head and back.

She slept off again and was woken up like that three more times before day break.

Coming out to the parlor, her mum was still singing songs of praise. It's been a while since her mum had prayed like this.

She smiled in content and joined her mother for morning devotion, all the while thanking God for giving her a praying mother.

Much love to our praying mothers who without them we no go fit explain howfar 😅😅




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God bless you 💞

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