Thirty two

66 12 1

'Heisss come here! My fren show sharperly!! You de ment?!!!',

Esther watched the area boys forcing people close to them to come to them. She immediately turned around, no time for gist.

The longer route was going to have to serve that day, lucky for her a bike man passed and carried her home where she went inside to get money to pay him.

'Mummy see wahala o, that's how those area boys have closed that apiam way there. Any body passing is being stopped and robbed. It is well o-', she stopped when her mum was not responding and turned to see the reason why.

Some men were in their living room, and her mum was very angry.

'Nne, ga godu n'ime ulo. Ana m abia', she did as her mum asked of her. On getting to her room she found her brother there looking calm.

'Oga what is happening? Who are those men in the parlor with mummy?',

'Me I don't know o, mum opened the door for them and asked me to go to my room. I overheard one of them asking her why she sent me away, sha I'm waiting for her',

'Nna eh!!!  I need to empty the market bag. Let me go and drop these in the kitchen, thank God I don't need to go through the parlor for that one',

'Hmm, landlord has sealed that place na. Abi you've forgotten?',

'Mtchew na true. Wo let's watch a movie abeg, when they are done we'll continue',

After two hours shouting started,

'Get out of my house useless old men!! Get out!! You didn't succeed the first time you think I'll let it happen now!! Zuzu puo gi n'ulo m! It's now they are your grandkids abi?! When you were happily throwing me out with my one year old and pregnancy you didn't know? Get out before I lose my temper and knock your teeth in!! Anu mpam! Old man way nur get sense!

Look at these idiots o! I blame myself! Na me open door for una! Let me catch any of you here again! What rubbish!!',

'Mummy calm do-',

'Dont ask me to calm down! Shameless he goats! M nweta unu na sidi ulo m ozo eh! O nake chukwu ga-azoputa unu na aka m! What nonsense?',

'Mummy sorry, it's okay', Esther tried to calm her mum down. Obviously not knowing what transpired she settled for calming her agitated mother down.

After she had calm down, a cup of water was placed in her front by Chima.

(I've forgotten the name I gave him earlier 🥴🥴)

'Ezigbo nwa, thank you jare. Mad people everywhere. These people are funny, I sha don't know what your father used to cover my eyes for the five years I stayed with him. Mad people!',

The siblings held their peace, their mother through the years hadn't entertained any conversations about their father. It looked like they were going to finally get to know about him.

'I met your father Nnaemeka when I was fresh out of secondary school. I went to buy form for my HND 1, that's where I met him. Long story short I became one of the very foolish girls that have roamed this planet to date him, went as far as moving in with him against my parents' consent.

There is no insult that my mother didn't rain on me when she found out I was living off campus in a man's house. My father nearly killed me with his bare hands. The beating he gave me, see this mark on my back? That's from his belt hook.

My older siblings tried to intervene, they had of course moved out of the house by that time but I wasn't fortunate enough. I thought I was in love.

You would think that Nnaemeka would do the right thing and go see my family, he never did!

Stupid me remained there cause I didn't have house to go to. My elder sister was only able to afford my school fees, my brother didn't have a well paying job but at least he was giving me small small money.

Back to that man, freshly done with my HND 1 I asked if he could help me with money for my HND 2 so that I'll do it all at once. It was one story or the other. He somehow convinced me to started having regular sex with him. Then he said he didn't like how condom felt, stupid me agreed.

Well I got pregnant, Aunty Ezinne nearly killed me when she found out. That's how I lost my siblings. I had you, his mother came around and made my life hell. Through this all he said nothing.

Then I got my second pregnancy, that was when his mother came to his house while he was around o, to tell me that she had found a wife for her son. Unless I wanted to maintain my side chick status I should pack myself and leave.

They thought I'd leave you behind, like the juju they used was life long. Hmm, I had started going to church again at that time, I packed up what little things I owned. Put you on my back and left.

I met Margaret in church, she took me in when I called her and helped me till I got on my feet.

These old goats that came here today came to ask me, me!  To fix a day when they'll officially meet their grandchildren. And that they want to take you guys back with them so you can know your father. Ha na apu ala? Know which father? I promised them I'd look for a reason to lock them up if they came around me again.

The embarrassment I collected from that family because I thought I loved their son and I refused to have sense eh? Is enough to last a whole generation two times over. See how that idiot Ichie Igwe said it.

Thank God it is his daughter that married him, they should enjoy each other and leave me alone.

I've suffered enough and I'd be damned if I let my children suffer as well!', she suddenly burst into tears.

Esther knelt infront of her mother and hugged her.

'God why now? Why now when my life has began to make a little sense?! Why!!', her mum wailed while silent tears made their way down she and her brother's cheeks.

She honestly didn't know what to make of this, but she trusted God to fix it.

'Mummy God will fix this, stop crying'.



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