He was messing things up far too frequently this period. Like whenever he opened his mouth he'd cause offense first, then start trying to fix what he caused.
He can't believe he ruined her big night like that. He felt more stupid when she didn't bother fighting him after a while.
Today he was due back in school. The days he missed were kept from his mother and more importantly his uncle. They would do things to him if they knew he was skipping school to come see Esther.
Recently he was feeling a rift between them, much worse than when they were secondary school.
Knocking their door, Chima opened the door.
'Snr Daniel good morning',
'Good morning, is Esther inside?',
'Yes, in her room',
'Can I come in? What of mummy?',
'Yes, mummy went to the market', he gave him space to enter the house.
'Can you call-',
Esther walked into the parlor that exact moment. She had her braids in a loose bun on her head. Her shorts had obviously ridden up and she didn't bother pulling it down. Her over sized t-shirt hanging off her body.
'Good morning', she looked very nervous.
'Let me change', she dashed back to her room without waiting for a response.
When she came back she looked more awake and had swapped her shorts for joggers.
'Hi', she sat opposite him.
'How are you?', he asked
'I'm tired but fine. Can I get you water or?',
'I'm okay thank you. I just wanted to check in on you in person and apologize again for last night',
'Yea, well it's done. It's fine really, I actually have some chores this morning. Can I see come over later?',
'I'm due back to campus today soo-',
'Oh, ummm I don't know what to say',
'I'll wait for you to finish your chores before I go. Go ahead'.
After two she was freshened up and they continued general conversations.
'A friend of mine told me this stuff that he does with his babe and I thought we should try it',
'Okay?', she responded while trying to get a Pringle out of the container.
'Yea, they do this weekly bible study together over video calls. I just thought about it and figured we should give it a try', Daniel said watching her. She paused for hunt for the Pringle ams faced him.
'Are you sure that's what you want? I mean you've never complained about my church activities but neither have you been overly excited about it. So, you're sure?',
'Yes, are you?',
'All in!', she laughed as he rolled his eyes.
'Let's try Monday evenings for a start and see how it goes. Speaking of go I need to leave now before my mother decides to come pick me here herself',
'Yea, it was nice seeing you though. Please keep your phone away from the Bettys', she batted her lashes at him making him laugh.
'And tell the Davids to keep their lips on their girlfriends',
'Deal', giving her a brief hug he left to go home and pick his bag before going back to school.
'Esther come na! So you can go to the cyber cafe on time and come back early!',
'Mummy I don't need to go to the cyber cafe for this one. I've gotten the text message to resume at their admin office on Monday',
'Are you sure? Are you not to come with the letter they sent to your email?',
'It's already printed mummy',
'Okay o, so it's to collect prospectus that we're going for baa?',
'Yes ma',
'Okay, go and check what favor and Ugonna are doing in that kitchen. So we can start setting out the food. I've cooked the jellof rice and fried rice. I've brought out the stew, so ensure the rice I asked them to boil is on the fire',
'Okay mummy!',
She'd gotten her admission into school of nursing with ease. Thankful that things were working out in her favor, she bounced to the kitchen to oversee what her mum asked her to do.
Voices from the restaurant area soon caught her attention.
'I said you should leave!',
'You really can't prevent me from seeing my children Nneka-',
'Which children? Can you prove you're their father? Or is that what you were told? Leave this instant!',
'Dont be talking like this now. I want to make amends-',
'You're forgiven. Now leave!'
'I really want to have a conversation with you about everything. Please',
'And I don't want to have any conversation with you. Achorom!',
'Please, at least give me a chance to introduce myself to the children as their father-',
'Is that the issue?', she quickly took a picture of him on her phone. 'I'll show them the picture so that they know exactly what you look like. I don't like repeating myself, leave now',
She waited till the voices stopped before coming to meet her mother who looked like she was trying to calm herself down.
'Nne m have you people finished at the back there?', she asked without turning around.
'Yes ma, they are being in the trays',
'Good', Esther went and placed a hand on her mum's shoulder.
'Mummy, we'll be fine. Don't stress yourself',
'I won't let anybody take you and Chima away from me. God has been helping me all these years, and He will continue to help me provide and protect the both of you',
'Amen mummy. But mummy I want to say something',
'Be talking',
'Why don't you allow him to come and see us. On your terms. You'll give him the venue, time and you'll be there. At the first sign of discomfort we're done. Or if he just doesn't anything senseless that's it',
Nneka kept quiet after that. Yes she knew the kids might want to meet their father, eventually.
'I'll think about it. Please ensure they place the food correctly',
'Okay mummy'.
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God bless you 💞💞

Boys like you ||Completed||✓
Teen FictionBook 1 What do you do when you catch the attention of the most popular boy in school? How do you say no and still be free to walk the halls of the school? Suddenly everybody knows you, some want to be you and some pity you. All she wanted to do was...