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She'd put off all her alarms the following morning. She was off duty, which included by default sleeping in. Mummy should have left for the restaurant a long time ago.

By 9am she felt she had lazied enough and decided to go and wash clothes.

She put on a pair of shorts, an oversized t-shirt and carried her Bluetooth speaker with her to the back yard.

She went back inside and returned with both she and mummy's dirty clothes. She set the radio to loveworld 360 and hummed to the songs being played.

After spreading out the clothes, she picked up a broom and began cleaning the house. By the time she was done it was almost 2pm.

She took a much needed cold bath, and changed into a comfortable house dress.

Thankfully nepa light came on at that moment.

There was nothing of interest on mnet, so she changed channels and decided to give zee world a try. After the first film trick she decided she was done for the year and settled on Nickelodeon.

By evening mummy was not yet home, she called and was assures that she was on her way home.

'Okay o, don't be staying so late. You're the one complaining of getting tired',

'Don't worry, let me wait for them to call bike for me. I'll be there soon',

'Okay ma', she turned back to the television till she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it without checking and nearly screamed when she saw who came in with mummy.

'Dee! How?',

'Enyi a allow us to enter the house first before you begin your jamb questions!', mummy scolded making Daniel laugh. They moved aside so she could enter. As soon she disappeared down the corridor Esther threw her arms around Daniel.

'I've missed you',

'I know baby, I've missed you more. This off shore on shore thing is messing with my head',

'But it pays the right dough, come on in. Did you go to the restaurant to get mummy?',

'Yes I did, which brings me to the second reason why I'm here. The third if we're counting but come with me',

'To where again, I'm not dressed for going out',

'Its just infront if the house ma. Let's go', she pouted and Dee didn't hesitate to kiss the pout away.

'Just a few minutes babe', he murmured to her.

'Okay', he lead her outside the house to show her something. All she could see was a beautiful car.

'Where's the thing you wanted to show me?',

'You're looking at it',

'You got a new car? Thought you didn't like small cars? Congratulations by the way', he chuckled before slipping something cold into her hand while she was studying the car.

'It's not for me, it's yours?',

'What?', that was when she saw the car keys in her hand.

'Really? No jokes right?',

'Of course I'm serious. It's yours',

'Wow!', she screamed and hugged him.

'Mummy! Come and see -',

'We're not done',

'There's more?!',


'What ag-', her words were lost in her mouth as she stared at Daniel while he went down on one knee with a ring in his hands.

'I've loved you from the first day I saw you back then in school. Such a shy girl that managed to make eye contact just once.

Then through all our dramas these past ten years. We've laughed, cried, fought, made up, annoyed each other beyond words. But we always had each.

Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? Be my forever?',

All she could do was open and close her mouth.

'I.... I..',

'Wrong answer babe', she burst out laughing as she recalled him saying the same thing when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

'Yes you big head! Of course I'll marry you!!', she jumped on him in the name of a hug and he effortlessly lifted her up.

'Thank you babe',

'Ring please!', she suddenly yelled making him laugh and place the ring on her finger.

'Can I scream for mummy now?',

'Whatever your heart desires babe',


'Not in my ears!',

'Ntooor! Mummy!!!', she scrambled off him and ran inside to show her mummy the ring.

The next one hour was spent taking pictures, calling friends and family. Shola screaming her ears off. Family and friends gathering for a make shift celebration of the engagement.

There was nothing else she wanted in that moment.

Looking over to Daniel, she smiled as he was having a serious conversation with her mum.

He looked up to her and excused himself to go talk to her.

'What?', he kissed her cheek.

'I'm just thinking how we got our forever. You know boy's like you are the kind girls are advised to stay away from?',

'How so?', he asked clearly amused.

'A tad bit mysterious, arrogant with a slight mix of cocky. Very smart and looking like a heartbreaker. And you did break hearts!'

'Hazards of the job, fine boy is not easy',

'Full of himself too', she cuddled closer to him.

'But I wouldn't trade you for anything. Boys like you are properly suited for girls like me',

'Don't I know it'.

The end ❣️❣️❣️

This was my first ever Nigerian Teen based novel.

To be honest it wasn't a breeze as I thought it was when I started writing.

The initial plan was 25 chapters but here we are 🥴🥴

All done.

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