Fast forward
'Call ambulance!! Call ambulance!! Someone just fainted!!',
The shouts woke her from sleep. Glancing at the clock in her room she saw she'd barely been out for two hours. These junior nursing students were shouting for an ambulance.
'Go and find out what's going on', she said to the junior in her room. Not getting up.
'Sister it's an asthmatic patient that was bleaching palm oil. Don't know what was going through her mind, anyway the ambulance is sha outside. They've carried her', Yemi said resuming her seat by her table.
'Hmmpf', she turned and thankfully went back to sleep.
'I want all project works submitted to my office on Friday latest. Tell your colleagues, or they'll sign it themselves', The nursing head of department left them shortly.
Three years was gradually rounding up.
Her project supervisor had cleared and signed for all them under her supervision. The designated rep for their group went around collecting each person's work and follow the HOD to her office to submit their work.
Esther had the afternoon shift so she went back to her hostel to arrange some things.
Graduation was in three weeks!
Checking her phone for any messages and finding non, she called Aunt Margaret.
'Hello auntie! Good afternoon ma!',
'Better person, how are you? Have you finished with your project?',
'Yes ma, just sent it for HOD's signature',
'That's good. How's your preparation for final exams?',
'Exhausting. I'm even on duty today. The exam sha will be alright',
'What about the scrub you said you were sewing?',
'My daddy said he'd handle it. That he'll talk to mommy. And I've not heard from either of them',
'I haven't spoken to your mum this week. But if the story is too plenty let me know the color you want and your size, are you still a size two?',
Esther rolled her eyes,'I have never been a size two auntie Maggie. Four, yes but never two. I'm a size six',
'Gurl you're getting fat! How big is your butt?!!!', Esther started laughing. This was their usual tango whenever they talked about clothes.
'Well it's barely fitting through my door, so I guess that's something',
'Gurl you better hit them gym!!',
'Please don't, have fun and if any body messes with you. You give your brain a tiny little time to check the consequences before giving them a healthy does of your mind',
'Always auntie, bye!',
She laughed as she placed the phone in the pocket of her jeans.
She set her white uniform on her bed before going to freshen up.
'Mama just hold still for 15seconds. We will leave you after that, I promise. Just stay small abeg',
Labor ward restlessness always hits differently.
'Nurse heat de do me oo!',
'Bring akupe abi that file there, fan her abeg. Doh, the light will soon come back on-', the light came on.
'You see, oya commit this one make the breeze de enter your body well',
Esther was busy writing up the labor chart in one corner. As soon as she finished the lead nurse came back in to see what they were up to.
'Is she fully dialated?',
'Not yet ma', Chisom her colleague answered.
'Mama d mama! E remain small you hear? We go soon born your pikin. Anything de do you?',
'Belle de worry me, I wan drink water', the expectant mother said breathlessly.
'Na small thing na, just chilax', she wore gloves and checked her again.
'She's ready, oya move over', the helped get the woman to the labour room were after 4 hours the woman gave birth to her baby girl.
'Madam you go like thank God o, cause woman pikin de usually take their time before them comot for belle',
'Nurse thank you',
'We thank God, oya go clean up the baby and check for vital signs', the baby was handed to Esther who left with another colleague. Chisom was left to clean the woman up alongside the lead nurse who was supervising.
'Mummy I took another delivery today',
'Thats great. Mother and child are fine abi?',
'Very! The baby girl is just so cute!',
'To born de hungry you?',
'Haa, mummy at this stage yes and no o. Na you go look the pikin?',
'Wetin concern me? No be you born am?',
'Oya na, I no fit born I no kuku get husband', her mother laughed so hard.
'This girl, please when are you coming home? I miss you',
'After my exams mummy',
'Okay my dear. Take care o',
'I will, greet Chima for me. As he's now to big to call me because he's now in uni',
'I'll tell him. Make sure you eat o',
'Yes ma'.
Entering her room she took off her uniform and washed it. Using a hanger she hung it in a corner of her bathroom.
Settling on her bed she ate cornflakes without anything in it. Drank water and set herself on her laptop to continue reading her textbook from where she stopped.
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God bless you 💞💞

Boys like you ||Completed||✓
Teen FictionBook 1 What do you do when you catch the attention of the most popular boy in school? How do you say no and still be free to walk the halls of the school? Suddenly everybody knows you, some want to be you and some pity you. All she wanted to do was...