She had a sinking feeling as she made her way to Daniel's class to drop his bag.
This she started doing as their waec date drew closer. He would come earlier than school resumption time, she would come straight to the library where he would most likely be found and then take his school bag to his classroom.
'Excuse me Seniors, may I come in?', she stood holding her breathe waiting for a response.
Instead of a response Snr Irene sashayed towards her, she knew she was in deep trouble.
'Hmmm, if it isn't Daniel's favorite toy', she sneered in her face.
Snr Irene was a very beautiful girl, no doubt whatsoever. She was the 'it' girl for her class. Her character came with moods, to some she was nice, to most she was pompus and to very many people she was a bitch.
She racked her honey colored eyes over Esther's self.
Esther wasn't shabbily dressed, her uniform was always in immaculate condition. Courtesy of her mum and Daniel.
'Good morning senior-',
'What is good about this morning? If you can answer that question I'll let you through', her voice sounded nice, the words weren't harshly delivered. Even her eyes lit up with humor, but even a blind man couldn't miss the malice in her relaxed stance.
'Umm Senior it's umm a good day because-',
'Just as I thought, pathetic. You can't even form a coherent sentence. Just like the message you preached, although you seemed eloquent enough. But pulease!! Cue yawning!', she cackled and her group of friends laughed with her.
'I see you worn the battle with the SS2's, I'll love to see you take me on. As a matter of fact I dare you, let's see who breaks first', she did a quick clap and snapped her fingers in Esther's face making her take a step back.
She really didn't know how to respond to that. She had never had any issues with Daniel's classmates.
'I'm sorry senior-',
'Spineless as well! This just keeps getting better and better, it'll be fun to deal with you. Now get out!', she didn't need to be told twice before she ran off to her class.
She ran into Samson who tried to ask her what the problem was but she quickly shrugged him off saying, 'I'm sorry Senior' and kept on her quick pace to class.
People generally avoided having to do anything with Snr Irene as her dad was a high ranking official in the army who never failed to come to his daughter's defense even if she was obviously wrong.
She stopped at her desk and was thankful her class was empty. They had probably gone for their practical class so she took her time taking deep breaths and calmed herself down. She wasn't going to cry, she wasn't going to cry.
She kept the chant in her head even as stray tear made their way down her cheek. She quickly swiped at them and kept chanting in her head.
I'm not going to cry
Feeling somewhat settled, she placed his bag on her seat and rushed to join her mates.
One look from Shola she shook her head no, after the class which she was uncharacteristically quiet they all headed to the school farm for the agric project.
'Babe talk to me', Shola said noticing that Esther kept zoning out while clearing the farm.
'It's nothing',
'It can't be nothing, did Snr Daniel do anything to you?',
'Where is that coming from? Of course not', she said without looking up but continued to clear the portion given to her.
Shola didn't ask her anymore questions. Throughout the day she faked her smiles, returned Daniel's bag to the library. When he gave her a questioning look she simply said teacher was already in his class when she went to drop his bag.
Which was a lie, all classes had been cancelled for the SS3 class. He didn't point it out but let her go when she asked to be excused.
After school she went home with the school bus instead of Daniel giving him an excuse why she couldn't go with him.
Over the weeks she was obviously distancing herself from him. Till one day he stumbled on something, Esther was lying flat on the ground in front of his class and Irene had a leg placed on her back.
A second look and he saw what was going on, Irene and her crew were forcing her to do push ups. Irene's feet was the extra weight added.
The said feet was clad in her school sandals, he was very sure that Esther's white shite was going to get a stain.
'What is going on here Irene?', he asked calmly.
'None of your business Daniel, get lost', her girls laughed.
The next thing that happened shocked them all. Daniel walked towards them, caught the leg she placed on Esther's back. Using it he threw her on the floor, so that she landed on her back and placed his shoe covered feet on her stomach to keep her there.
'You seem to think your above the law here, but so am I. When I take my leg off you run to your father as usual, and we'll see where this leads to. Run along then',he taunted as he removed his leg from her stomach.
If eyes were guns Daniel would have been damned for all eternity. But he could care less.
'Get up',
'I can't Snr Daniel', she was trying to hold in her tears.
'I said get up before I make you!', he never raised his voice at her and she had never witnessed it happening.
Most of Irene's girls shrank back from his anger but Esther was paralysed by it. She didn't want him to punish her as well.
She struggled to get up but her muscles were so sore that all she could do was sit up. She sat there crying as the pain went through her body.
'Get.up.', he emphasized each word. She forced herself to do as he said. The next words out of his mouth chilled her to the bones.
'Follow me',
Without checking to see if she complied he walked off.
Geng geng!
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God bless you 💞

Boys like you ||Completed||✓
Teen FictionBook 1 What do you do when you catch the attention of the most popular boy in school? How do you say no and still be free to walk the halls of the school? Suddenly everybody knows you, some want to be you and some pity you. All she wanted to do was...