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Oizys, once a merry and gay town, now filled with overwhelming gloom.

It is a late midsummer night, a strong breeze blows on the vacant pavement. The sky is as black as a raven, while the land is lit up with lights illuminating the misty atmosphere.

People of Oizys are all locked up in their homes. Not because the town has no nightlife, but because locking yourself in is the better choice.

You wouldn't want to wander around in a crime-filled town, dominated by the Stanley Twins. They are the two mafia kings, nothing happens without their will. They are the law and order, everything else is beneath them and they are above all.

They do all sorts of illegal businesses drugs, smuggling, illegal night clubs, extortion, arms trafficking, human trafficking.

The darkest tasks eren the heaviest bucks. All these illegal businesses have made them mega rich and powerful.

No one has the power to oppose them and those that do face their grave soon.

The night is still young and it is at night time, that the king's hunt.

The newfound prey is cornered in the murky alley, who can be seen cowering and crouching In fear while Stephen Stanley holds him at gunpoint.

With no other choice left, the man begs and pleads for mercy. He cries and wails, making anyone think that the monster in front of him might have a heart. Anyone would, at those mournful pleas.

But one who doesn't have a heart isn't capable of mercy.

Stanley doesn't change his posture. He keeps the man at gunpoint.

" Last words? " He taunts, cocking his gun in a playful manner. Like a lion toying with his prey.

The exhilarating part isn't devouring the prey, it's playing with it. And that is exactly what the devil in front does.

" Pl..please. Spare me. I have kids..who..who...would look after them? My..wife... " The man tries one last time, begging for mercy from a human. His first mistake and indeed his last

" Your kids, you say? I don't know about them. But Greg here can take care of your wife. " Stephen jokes.

The man's eyes go wide, and a horror-filled expression takes place on his face.

" Please...have some mercy. " The man again begs. Stephen finally getting tired of his useless pleas, shoots him right in between his eyes.

The body lays motionless, the silence grows and the night prolongs. Stephen and his men, behind him, stand there for a moment, observing.

" I am no God, thus I can not be merciful. " Stephen states, still staring at the dead soul lying in front.

" The fact that he had to die at your hand and not Elijah's is mercy itself. " One of his men joke and they all laugh. They laugh like they did not just take a life a few seconds ago.

But their laughter is short-lived, as a police car stops by.

" Raise your hands and drop your weapons. " A voice bellows.

The gang of goons turns back, their leader not at all bothered.

Stephen's men go defensive, not ready to drop their weapons. But one sign from Stephen is enough for them to drop their weapons to the ground.

" It's been ages since I played this game. " Stephen mutters to himself.

He finally drops his gun and locks at the sheriff.

" What crime did I commit, Sherrif? " H asks cockily.

" I saw you shoot. " The sheriff exclaims, bewildered.

" Never said I didn't. But how is that a crime? " Stephen asks, grinning like a complete maniac.

The sheriff steps back a little but then gains his confidence.

" Put your hands behind your back and turn away from me. You are under arrest. " The sheriff barks.

Thought Stephen still maintains his calm.

" Let me ask you, something sheriff. Are you new? " He asks, boring holes with his intense gaze.

The sheriff looks uncertain but then nods.

" Figured. Now listen here. This is how it goes. You either let me go and turn a blind eye to the whole incident, living a happy life. Or you arrest me and sign your death warrant. How do you want it? " Stephen asks, getting closer to the sheriff.

Even though the sheriff points his gun at him, Stephen holds no fear in his eyes. Knowing very well that he is untouchable.

" Put your hands behind your back. " The sheriff repeats firmly.

" Some people just don't like living. Too hard to breathe, sheriff? " Stephen taunts
While the sheriff and his team arrest Stephen and his men.

His eyes hold no fear, they seem to be floating in a gentle sea, with no waves but the tropical rays penetrating in.

The calm demeanour gets on sheriff's nerves, yet the sheriff still is unable to figure it out.

" Aren't you scared. " The sheriff utters, disturbed by the unusual reaction.

" You do not put a fish in the water and then expect it to drown. I haven't been scared for years. I'm not capable of that feeling so don't count on it. " Stephen replies back, laughing like a maniac.

The sheriff steps back even more bothered by the worrisome behaviour.

Stephen and his men are put in the back of the police vehicle.

Stephen is the last to be put in, but before going in he utters something in the sheriff's year sending goosebumps throughout the sheriff's body.

" I hope you don't have a family to protect. It's going to be very painful. The mafia spares no one. When you're caught in the web later on, don't beg for mercy because like I said I am no God. "

Author's Note

Hey Guys!

I'm back with a new dark romance. It will be available soon with frequent updates. Here is a glimpse of the new book.

Cover might be changed. If you know someone who is good at making covers, please tag them. The person should have good editing skills though, I actually make my own covers but I was unable to edit the cover correctly. So I need help. I'll give credit to who ever helps me make a cover for my book.

This book will be completed on wattpad and will be free.

I am so sorry for what happened with Billionaire's Mistress. That was wrong on my part.

But I can assure you, this book will be completed on Wattpad.

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