Chapter 3

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I stand, isolated in the desolate room beside the screeching walls.

The entire sight giving me flashbacks of haunted memories, memories that I can remember with poignant clarity.

Should I go to the police?

Who else can help me? But what if the police acts just like the hospital staff?

Can I believe them? Can I trust anyone belonging to this crooked town?

Contemplating on my options, I decide to call Tucker. He's the only one I can trust, I've known him for all my life.

I dial his number. He picks up as soon as the first bell rings.

" Hello, Tucker? I have- " I spit out but my words are cut in short.

" Oh Ellie, this is Anna. " I hear a high-pitched sound on the other side of the phone.

" Where is Tucker? " I question my heart racing due to the on growing anxiety. My voice breaking down, my throat completely dry.

" He is right beside me! " She exclaims in a joyous voice.

" Can you please pass the phone to him? I have something important to tell him. I don't have much time to waste Anna! " I howl in frustration.

" God, why are you screaming at me? " She whines. Taking it on herself.

" Hey Ellie, what's the rush? Why are you getting mad at Anna? " I heed a low-pitched voice this time, quite deep, and manly. It's Tucker!

His voice acts as solace to my on-growing anxiety and I de-stress a little.

" Tu..tucker something bad ha..happened. I need you here...with me. " I sob, not able to complete my sentence, breaking down in the middle.

" Are...are you alright? Ellie where are you? " He asks frantically, getting apprehensive.

" At home..." I reply and cut the call. I sit down at the edge of the bad, looking here and there.

Are mom and dad alive? Did he kill them?

I am left alone, yet still accompanied by my thoughts. Reflecting upon where life went so disastrous.

My train of thoughts is broken by a sharp pinching noise. A knock resonates through the hollow wood and my heart starts hammering.

What if he is back?

" Open the door, Ellie. It's me. Tucker." a gentle voice bellows.

I skip down the stairs and open the door promptly. I open the door to see Tucker and Anna.

In a state of unconditional vexation. I end up hugging them both for dear life. These are, after all the only two people I know and the only two people that came to comfort me.

I let them in and then explain everything. They listen to me studiously. After listening to the entire tale of tragedy, Tucker decides to speak.

" Do you know who they were? " He asks concerned. Looking at me with keen eyes.

" I... don't know Tuck. They were a lot but they had a boss who was quite distinct. They were listening to his orders. " I state, as much as I could decipher from the grim event.

" He...He was forcing my dad to say something on the phone call. " I state further, trying to recollect my vivid memories.

" Do you remember anything more? " Tucker asks desperately.

" We need more information to identify that man and get him behind the bars. Come on Ellie. Try to remember. " Tucker encourages. Wanting to get my rapist punished. He is a true friend!

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