Chapter 25

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" I don't bite. " Stephen puts out, breaking the silence of the atmosphere.

Currently, we're seated in the back of an Audi, with my frame latched to the opposite end of the door as compared to Stephen's.

I tried opening the door, but it didn't work. But if it did, I wouldn't mind leaping out as that moron is gawking at me with a stupid grin on his face.

I detest him.

" You were gonna feast on my dead body. " I remind him when he proposes that he doesn't bite.

If I saw him gnawing at human skin, I would believe it within an instant. People in the mafia have a psychotic side to them after all.

" Can't help it, human flesh just tastes that good. " He states, that awful grin still platered on his face.

I decide to believe him, he probably would have chewed on his last victim's flesh. I can't help but give him the bombastic side eye, judging him in the process.

" Psychopath. " I mutter under my breath. But to my dismay, he hears it.

" Did you say something? " He asks, trying to prolong the conversation.

If he heard me, why is he asking? I decide not to entertain him anymore. He's just trying to get some pleasure out of my discomfort like the other two do. Maybe his way of torture is different. He's going to vex me to death with his stupid tactics probably. 

" Earth to Luna. " He sings, and I once again ignore him, refusing to make eye contact. I'd rather stare outside the tinted black windows.

Just then I feel a sharp nudge on my shoulder. I rotate my head to see that this man just poked me. I huff in anger and turn my attention back to the fascinating window.

Soon enough, he decides to poke me again.

" Stop it. " I grumble, not looking at him.

" Stop what? " He asks, pretending to be oblivious to his own actions.

He knows what he's doing. He knows that I've considered jumping out of the car a dozen times.

" Stop poking me. " I spit out, gritting my teeth in anger.

" Alright. " He finally agrees. Leaving me by myself. Or so I thought.

" But only if you tell me a little about yourself. " He adds, and I spot the infamous grin on his face taking its place.

Why is he like that?

" Shush,  " I tell him, narrowing my eyes at him.

" I'm trying to ignore you. " I tell him truthfully so that it finally settles in his pea-sized brain.

" Why? " He asks dumbfounded.

Maybe it's because his brother forced me? His friend broke my wrist and my parents are dead just because of him. He's the reason for my downfall. I feel like I've earned the right to ignore this despicable man.

" You are the reason my parents are dead and I'm stuck between two men that are obsessed with me. " I yell, vexed to the core.

" If only you didn't get arrested. " I mumble, remembering events of the past.

It's all his fault. If he were to never get arrested, we would have still been a happy family. Mama would be alive, papa would go to work as usual and I'd be in college by now.

" What kind of a goon are you? " I can't help but nag at him. This is all his fault.

" Couldn't even avoid the police. " I spit out, pointing out the flaws in his lousy goon tactics.

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