Chapter 8

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Ellie's POV

" So when do you plan on sharing her? " He asks casually, eyeing me with a lustful gaze.

Elijah doesn't reply promptly. He gazes at Dominic and then back at me.

" Ellie...go back to your room. " He benevolently mumbles, nudging me to get up.

I sprint up hastily but I rebuff to heed him any longer.

" Why sh..should I go to my room? So you can make a deal with your friend and pass me on when you're done? " I shout, appalled.

" What are we playing? Passing the pillow? " Dominic ridicules flippantly.

I gape at him with antagonism. I will not succumb to this.

" If you think you guys can share me like an object then you are very wrong. " I enunciate, scanning Dominic grisly.

" Mikros..." Elijah grumbles in a threatening tone. He embarks to take hold of me but I trot away fleetly.

I tug the first utensil I spot for the sake of my fortification which fortunately turns out to be a knife from the fruit basket.

" Stay away from me. I...I've had enough of you two. I wo...won't let you give me to people like an ob...ject. " I croak, my voice cracks out by the end.

" Drop the knife Mikros. If you drop it now, I'll let this slide. " Elijah tries bargaining, not intimidated by the reality that I am clutching a knife to their throats.

" Drop the knife Ellie and you won't be punished. Continue doing this shit and I'll take you over my leg. " Dominic puts out his crude remark. Extremely appalled by his mere audacity I point the knife at him.

" Don' about me like that. " I utter, getting frustrated. Why are they not terrified?

A look of astonishment did cross over their faces but it was soon cloaked by novelty. It's like their relishing this.

" Oh...What are you gonna do about it? Hurt me? I'd like to see you try kitten. " Dominic teases me. Coming out with that moniker of his just to assert how innocuous I am to him.

Bothered by Elijah forcing me and them treating me like a mere object of desire, I get aggravated by Dominic's words fast.

I hoist my knife at Dominic, lunging for his hand that is situated on the dining table.

But to my dismay, he pulls his hand back, and the knife plunges into the dense wooden table.

Alas! This could have been his hand.

He snatches the knife skillfully and takes hold of me, pushing my body on the solid wood, bending me by my torso. He asserts his weight on top of mine.

He bends my wrists backwards and locks me in a compromising position.

" Bad move kitten. " He snorts.

" Le...ave me. " I state, jostling back to unbound myself from his clasp.

" Don't move unless you want me to fuck you right here on this table. " He groans, and only then do I realize his rock-hard dick is aligned right in front of my core. Even my dress has ridden up a little.

I stop squirming and undertake a varied approach. I raise my legs and try to kick his legs. Though the impact is not vital and he doesn't even budge.

" patience is running very thin and I'm very close to losing control. So stop fucking moving kitten or I'll take you right on this table. " Dominic groans in a deep husky voice. I can feel him getting harder by the moment.

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