Chapter 9

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Ellie's POV

" But I feel a little merciful today so I won't rat you guys out...but I want something in return. " Miranda puts out her condition, with malice written all over that hard doll-like face.

" Wh...what is it that you want? " Chelsea mutters, scanning Miranda with skepticism.

" That's none of your concern. Besides Chelsea, you can't do it...only Ellie can. " Miranda murmurs the last part, peering at me with iniquitous intents.

" What do you want? " I inquire, this time.

" I'll go. " Chelsea squeaks, leaving my room to give us some space.

" I'll explain when the time comes. " Miranda utters, not avid to elucidate.

" I'm not promising anything unless you enlighten me. " I enunciate.

" Fine by me. I'll just go tell Luke of your little escape plan. Oh and I'll definitely not forget to mention Chelsea. " Miranda the witch utters sniggering like a coyote.

" And I'll tell whatever his name is that you lied. " I retort in the same unpleasant manner.

" Your word against mine. Who do you think he's going to believe? Look I just need you to steal. That's all I can tell. " Miranda the sorcerer explains slightly flustered that her plan was about to go down the drain.

" I'm not stealing any money! " I exclaim mortified.

" I'm not asking you to steal any money. I need you to steal a file. " She delineates, looking here and there. Evading any sort of eye contact.

" What sort of file? " I question with a grain of salt.

" Nothing serious. It's related to me. I'll show you what it contains when you fetch me that. If you think it contains confidential information related to the Boss or his work, you can put it back from where you got it and I won't tell anyone a thing. I just really need this. " Miranda beseeches forlornly.

" If you need it so bad, why can't you get it on your own? You do realize I'll get in trouble if caught. " I point out.

" I can't and you won't. " She yells in a state of vexation.

" You stealing my file would be less suspicious than me stealing my file. As soon as they find out it's stolen they're going to interrogate me but if I'm with someone else at that time and you're the one stealing it, I won't get caught. " She explains with hand gestures so that I decipher each phrase completely

" Besides Ellie even if you do get caught, you won't be punished. " She states which comes like a bolt from the blue.

" Wait, I won't be punished? Why? Ever since I was dragged here I've been receiving numerous punishments! " I exclaim bewildered at her statement.

" What suddenly changed that I won't be punished any longer? " I implore.

" The Boss instructed us not to harm you in the least. Even if you do try escaping we're not supposed to instill any suffering upon you. He strictly advised his men to refrain from touching you too. I happened to hear that. " She explains, a little piqued over the supposedly ' special treatment ' I'm getting. If only she knew what I went through.

He's only shielding me from others so he can torment me himself. He's obsessed with the idea of me submitting to him. He expects a submissive behavior from me and if I do not obey, he will personally discipline me. He demands submission.

" So will you do it? " She asks with a glint of faith reflecting from her eyes.

" I really need this. " She begs wretchedly.

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