Chapter 11

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Third Persons POV

" There's more to the story. Ellie didn't know what she was stealing, to begin with, neither did she carry out the act willingly. One of the maids made her do it. " Luke utters, shocking Chelsea and Ellie.

" What is going on there Luke? " Elijah inquires, slightly irked by the chaos.

" Don't worry Boss. I'll fix the mess up soon and will get back to you. After thoroughly investigating I found the maid to be involved in the entire commotion whereas Ellie was manipulated. The maid tried to steal the hard copy of her document so she could flee. It wouldn't make sense for Ellie to steal someone' else document. " Luke tries explaining, hiding my shortcoming in the entire ordeal.

Ellie looks down guilty, she didn't think so highly of him. In fact, she had zero expectations. But can you condemn her for her low expectations?

Life has been going downhill ever since she set foot in this god-forsaken town. Her entire existence went down the drain and she seem to be thriving every day to conserve bits and parts of the past she once had. It's all hazy now, and the present seems to be more of her existence than the past ever was.

" Which maid is it? Anyway, a maid isn't worth all the trouble. Get rid of her. " Elijah commands over the phone. His voice dark and husky, as potent as ever.

Luke gazes at Chelsea with an unknown emotion running wild in his eyes.

Chelsea looks down, scared that Luke is now going to throw her under the bus. As none of the two girls have much expectations with him. After all, he did take Miranda's offer.

" I...It's Miranda. Don't worry about it, Boss. The situation will be unraveled before you return. I'll give you an explicit analysis once you arrive. " Luke states, telling only half the truth for Ellie and Chelsea's sake.

The eerie thing is, Chelsea's name wasn't mentioned in the entire setting.

" Fine. Deal with her before I get back Luke. " Elijah states about to end the call and the argument.

" Wh...what about " A delicate voice mutters.

" I'm letting you go since it wasn't your fault Ellie but try to stay out of trouble and call me if a similar situation arises. " Elijah replies, his voice a bit composed and gentle. The exasperation is long gone from his voice.

The call is then cut.

Ellie and Chelsea look at gape at Dominic with their jaws wide open.

" Why'd you do that? " Chelsea questions quickly.

Luke appears to be a bit taken back by Chelsea's unexpected issue.

" What she means is...why would you help us. We thought you and Miranda... " Ellie mumbles.

" You did hear what Elijah was about to do to Ellie? Dominic is the worst out of the three of them. " Luke mutters eyeing Chelsea derisively.

" The three of them? " Ellie asks, not well aware of their identities.

" Yes, Elijah has a brother Stephen. Dominic, Elijah, and Stephen work together and carry out the whole drug business and mafia. Letting you go into Dominic's hands is like signing your death warrant.  " Luke explains, the hatred for Dominic bubbling up.

" Do you think Elijah will do that in the future? " Ellie begs, petrified for the immunity that might not last long.

" Only Elijah can answer that. For now, stay out of trouble. " Luke states and walks away.

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