Chapter 15

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Ellie's POV

I emerge out of the bathroom without any change in my image.

Dominic raises his brows at that. Narrowing his gaze at me in disapproval as I refused to oblige.

" I..I'm on my period. " I mutter, shaking profusely. I don't feel so confident anymore. Why did I come up with this?

His scrutinizing watch further lowers down my certainty.

" Say what? " He asks, tilting his head  slightly to the left. One can tell he is not amused by the idea of it.

" I'm on my menstrual cycle. " I whisper looking down. Not able to meet his dominant stare.

Dominic frowns at that and then strides forward making my heart beat a little faster and a little quicker.

" Is that so? " He asks, with an unknown grin on his sculpted face.

" Ye..yes. " I stutter due to the proximity.

" Show me then. " He taunts in a playful manner.

" you what? " I question bewildered.

" A stain? How do I believe you're not lying to get away? " He inquires with a grim tone. The playfulness shortly leaving.

Before I can answer he strides in and looks down the toilet.

" Did you accidentally cut yourself also? " He questions, eyeing my hand.

" Wh...what? " I ask with a shaky voice.

I fold my fingers in return, forming a fist. He marches towards me and pries it open in one swift movement.

" You fucking cut yourself to fake your periods? " Dominic exclaims with hostility. Becoming aware of my failed trick. He's a mafia boss for God's sake. I should have thought of something better.

I quiver in fear as his voice reaches me, its not volume of the tone but the intensity that it holds which agitates me to infinity.

" I...I didn't. " I reply meekly, my words nothing more than a white lie. At this point, I blurt out anything, just something that could redeem me.

But it wouldn't be me if I didn't dig my grave a little deeper.

" Then what the fuck is this Ellie? " He questions aggravated, lifting my palm in his hands while tilting his head to the side. His tone questioning yet assertive.

His grip on my tiny hands not unlocking.

" How did you get your hands on a blade? " He voices, beginning to interrogate me.

" Did you steal it from my house? " He further presses. I shake my head in negative.

" I...I sn...eaked it in back in Elijah's estate. "  I admit, pulling out the blade from my pocket.

Dominic snatches it right away. 

" I don't want you sneaking around my house looking for such stuff Ellie. " He warns, eyeing me with disappointment.
" There will be consequences for it. " He adds in a dour tone.

He snatches the blade away from me and locks it in one of the drawers. From another, he takes out a band-aid and some alcohol.

" What's that for? " I question, pointing out at what he's carrying.

" I don't know where you picked that damn blade from. But I need to disinfect before applying a band-aid. " He grunts, still riled by the stunt I pulled.

" Sit down. " He instructs.

Expecting him to be gentle he swings the cotton dab at my already cut finger and I wince in due to the twinge.

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