Chapter 6

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Ellie's POV

Elijah catapults me to the dirt bottom as if slinging a carcass.

I smack down hard. I open my mouth to grumble at the rough treatment but choose to close my jaw when I observe my environment.

In my motion of resistance, I pan out ignorant of my surroundings.

Elijah ended up taking me down an elevator and then through numerous hallways until we reached a steel door encoded by a passcode and patrols on the side.

He punched a few dials, appearing hazy to my troubled memory.

He then led me through many corridors, each one had several cells besides them.

They weren't translucent but completely partitioned. Not even a ray of light could pass through.

We went down a few more levels until we finally reached the place he hurled me down too.

" Wh...what is this place? " I mutter weakly, feeling afraid.

" Dungeons. My dungeons. A special place for folks that do not know their place. " He replies, eyeing me keenly.

" So you're going to..torture me. " I point out.

" Ah, we haven't reached that state for now Mikros. " He states.

" We're going to watch a show! " He exclaims and suddenly the once translucent cell wall becomes crystal clear.

I see a woman, chained to the wall. She is bruised, beaten black and blue.

A yelp escapes my lips as I take in her condition. My gaze shifts to Elijah and I stare at him, my eyes wide in horror.

A devil exists in front of me!

" What is this? " I shout. Horrified at the gruesome scene unfolding in front of me.

" Like I said, my dungeon. And that right there is my show. " He states with malice.

" Let's play a game. Shall we? " He asks tilting his head toward me. My body is still glued to the ground.

" Wh...hat so..sort of game? " I ask horrified. after observing the cruelties this demon has inflicted upon the woman, I feel shaken.

He looks at me but doesn't say a word. His eyes hold a weird glint to them and he marches forward towards the cell.

Inside, he presses a regulator on the white ceramic wall. Within moments, the wall puts out a shelf filled with torture tools!

There is a revolver, whips laced with shredded glass, hammer, iron nails, a spanner tool, a drill machine, and many more.

" This is how it's going to work. You choose the tool and I proceed with the show. I torture her, and when I finally get bored of the torture method, then you choose another one! " He exclaims with glee.

" Pl..please. " I beg.

" I can't. " I argue.

" Wear it then. " He states, throwing the collar at my feet again.

I look at it, helpless, I ponder for a minute and then shake my head in negative.

" Very well. You chose this. " He states before proceeding.

" Which one? " He inquires, referring to the torture gadgets.

" Pl..please don't do this. I can't wear that. I'm not a dog but a human. This is inhumane. " I try objecting or instilling some humanity in him but he is too far gone to have any humane emotion left in him.

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