Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV

" Here she is! " Announces Elijah, still sustaining his jarring clasp on my hair.

He tosses me to the other side of the desk, opposite to the man. I stumble a little and fall on the maple flooring, which is covered by a rectangular Persian rug.

He paces towards his leather chair and places himself on it.

" Stand. " He commands in a hard voice, indicating his animosity

I promptly stand up, facing the man. He observes me with keen eyes, a hint of curiosity blooming in those blue orbs.

" She's a little disobedient, but we're working on it. " Elijah states, eyeing me with irritation.

" Disobedience is fun, as long as you get to break it. " The man comments, staring at me intensely.

" Ca...can I go now? " I ask, cutting them in between their conversation. Feeling exceptionally apprehensive by the man's excessive gaze.

" Be quiet. " Elijah orders dismissively, waving me off.

" So she's the daughter of the sheriff you killed? " The man inquires.

Elijah nods.

" I can't say you took her for your petty revenge because there are things far worse that can be done to her, considering how pretty she is. She would sell for a good amount. " The man puts out his crude words and a gasp escapes my lips.

However, both of them deeply immersed in their dialogue, ignore me.

" Can I please leave? " I ask, this time a little bit louder, barely controlling the emotions bubbling inside me. How dare he say that?

" Did he not ask you to stay quiet? " The man asks assertively.

I look down.

" I'm not entitled to answer you. " I mumble in my mouth, bound to answer back due to my overwhelming resentment.

But to my bad luck, he discerns it.

" Say that again Ellie. " He retorts indignantly. I keep on looking down, choosing not to answer him.

" Very soon, you'll realize that you are answerable to me. " The man states calmly. It doesn't feel like a peril but more like a fact which further intensifies my agitation.

" This is why she's here. It wasn't my intention to take her Dominic but she chose to fuck up her only chance of freedom. " Elijah states, irked by my noncompliance.

" Anyway, are the torsi's buried? " Elijah asks.

" Yes, I took care of them the previous night. You can count on me anytime Elijah. We're partners in crime after all " He jokes, yet it lacks humor for me. The satire of human life is absolutely repulsing.

I stare at them with horror, my eyes wide open.

" Why do you look so scared Mikros? " Elijah asks with a smirk on his face while Dominic continues to scrutinize me.

" De...dead bodies. You mentioned dead bodies. " I stutter due to dread.

" We did. Do you wanna know whose? " Dominic interjects. The same cunning smile forming on his lips.

" Who...whose? " I beg, intimidated.

" Your parents. " He announces and my heart skips a beat.

I infer that they're dead. I know they're no longer with me but it hurts every time I come to terms with the truth.

Why do they have to be so brutal and rub it in my face?

I look down to the bottom, yet again. It feels as if I'm on a roller coaster, but the ride keeps going downhill through inky pits of life. When did it turn so catastrophic?

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