Chapter 10

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Luke's POV

" Chelsea? All the maids are strictly prohibited to enter this room. What the fuck do you think you're doing here? " I inquire, recognizing Chelsea to be standing there with a file raised high in her hand.

" Lu...luke? " She stutters in panic, the file still her my hand. A proof of her crime.

I stride forward and she cowers back, anxious.

" Give me that. " I bark, snatching the index away from her.

I run my eyes through the record. It only takes me a juncture to comprehend what it is. I gaze at Chelsea with a scornful look.

" This is the last time I'm asking this Chelsea. What were you doing here? " I implore with a venomous tone.

She isn't ought to be here and she knows that very well.

" I...I was here to cl..clean. Look around Luke it's so dusty here. " Chelsea stutters, panicking.

" Are you kidding me? " I grumble, exasperated by her childish attitude.

She looks down in dismay, a little bleak that her pathetic excuse didn't function.

" You either spit out the reality or I notify Elijah that you were stealing our files. " I threaten with a grim tone.

If Elijah comes to know of this, Chelsea will not have it easy. Damn, he might get her killed without a second thought. Which is why I won't take this to Elijah.

The facade is for intimidating her.

" She wasn't was me. " A voice calls out from the back and from the dark emerges Ellie.


I huff in anger. What have these girls been up to?

" Explain. " I command, glaring at the both of them disapprovingly.

" We weren't stealing any files though. We don't even know what it contains. " Ellie whispers dejected. She is as terrified as Chelsea...maybe even more.

" You both don't know what this is? " I query suspiciously.

They shake their heads in negative. Either their really smart at putting up a act or they truly are innocuous.

I hope it's the latter.

" Well, this. " I state, soaring the file high and then smacking it on Chelsea's skull gingerly.

" Oww. " She whines in return, covering her head with her hands.

" Is Miranda's file. We have agreements with the maids. They receive a hefty sum initially and then are required to work for straight 10 years. " I explain.

" Then that means I'm a free man now. I never sighed such a thing. " Chelsea exclaims joyously. Is she for real?

" Your father signed it. This isn't the time to be messing with me, Chelsea. Both of you are in grave trouble. " I point out the inevitable.

It's true that Chelsea never signed this willingly. Her father signed her up for this and then ran away with all the money. She's been here since then. She's the youngest among all the other maids. Which is why I have a soft spot for her.

" Now, since this is Miranda's file I assume she made you do it. But the question is, why did you both agree? " I ask skeptically.

" She...she blackmailed Ellie to do it. " Chelsea utters.

" And you just decided to jump in. " I retort back. Why does this girl get herself in trouble all the time?

" Where are the guards? " I inquire, matinign an expressionless face to increase the stringency of the situation. I can not afford this happening again and again.

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