Chapter 21

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" But I'm not going to do that. " he mutters, more to himself.

Releasing me from his jarring clasp, letting me go unrestrained, momentarily though. He nudges me away with a harsh push, causing me to fall back on the tiled floor.

Freezing and bruised, I feel the impact of the little fall ten times more. And a mornful moan escapes my lips.

However, a sense of relief washes over me as I take in his words, having my punishment diminished I can't help but let hope simmer back in my eyes.

Though the mere action does not go unnoticed by the devil infront. And he refuses to let me have that, a little consolation from his suffocating holud.

So he does what he does best.

" Yet. " He adds, shattering my hope.

Letting clouds of gloom once again wander over me. A thunderstorm rains in my head as the word hits me like lightning. The storm in them is strong and thus they shatter the window panes of the little house I built to keep me safe.

I gaze at him, pleading with my eyes. Hoping he'll understand the meaning behind my unspoken words. Because I'm my case, words aren't enough. What Elijah has done, will haunt me forever. I do not wish to add more to the list.

" Get up. " He booms, causing my body to tremble and shudder.

The anger in those orbs is now evident more than ever. Trying to stand on wobbly legs, as quick as possible in fear that I might offend the enraging bull infront. To my misfortune, my feet give up and I feel myself falling back again. A pitifull sob escapes my lips. Dominic gazes down upon my helpless state before coming to the decision that I will require help to get up.

The trauma of all that happened is now preventing normal functioning of my brain and to do a task as simple as getting up is becoming strenuous.

However he doe not offer the kind of help I expect. He is yet again cruel in his ways of support. Dominic grabs me by my hair, pulling me roughly against his rock hard chest. My naked body collides with his, skin to skin. The sense of closeness now more stronger than ever. However, one look at his eyes has my entire body trembling and shuddering in his robust grasp. For the intensity in them is too strong and the emotions he holds in them can prove to be lethal for me.

My eyes are now filled with tears, with old ones cascading down my face. My body shakes from the trauma of being drowned while my bleeding lip is a proof of Dominic's beastiality. Holding me in his grip by my hair provides him with a different sort of control over my body.

I can't help but feel as if I am just a rag doll, presented for his pleasure. And he has the utmost ability to bend me to his will, however he wants and whenever he wants. The helplessness of my situation makes me weep profusely.

The close proximity fails to make him budge, as he stands there like a stone unturned. His jarring clasp on my hair sends waves of ache towards my skull, giving me a new sort of motivation to get up. 

" D...Dom- " I try calling out to him, calling out to the man that showed me mercy in the previous days.

But before I can even beg for clemency, he shuts me off.

" Not a word little mouse. " He barks, his warm breath now falling on the upper half of my breast, that are revealed to him.

" If running away from me wasn't bad turned my man against me. " He enlightens me with all the mistakes made.

Once again pushing me down the memory lane. Back to the time when I made the foolish decision to flee. Pushing me to the dirt bottom of my sinkhole, where I seem to drown deeper and deeper in regret.

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