Chapter 24

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" Wake up, little mouse. " Dominic nudges me lightly, trying to get me to open my eyes.

Past few days, I've had a high fever and thus have been in bed. To my disliking, I was constantly bugged by his presence. Sometimes he'd bring me food and medicine while other times he would come to simply 'visit'.

Didn't he get it? Ever since that night, I've started to despise his presence. His mere sight puts me in an immense amount of guilt.

It wasn't like that with Elijah. With Elijah, I knew I hated him. I didn't need to tell myself that twice. I believed in it.

But with Dominic, I find myself reminding the same old lesson. Because oftentimes I've fallen a fool to his facade of kindness and thus have suffered a lot. So no longer do I want to fall for his kind gestures for they lead to a shattering end.

" I want to stay in bed a little longer. " I tell him, ever since I got sick he's stopped ordering me around.

I too have taken advantage of the situation. I feel more confident telling him what I want. Not because I trust him, but because he's guilty and I will take that to my full advantage.

Tit for tat.

" Unfortunately not, Elijah's come to get you. " He lets out a small sigh, breaking the news to me.

Just the mention of that man's name has fear crawling through my body, inching beneath the layers of my skin till it's nestled deep in my heart. Clenching onto it, locking it within its grasp for an eternity to come.

It has always been that way with him.

" El...Elijah? " I murmur, repeating his name for confirmation.

His name itself is like a forbidden word for me.

Dominic simply nods in confirmation. His face too serious for this to turn out as some sort of prank.

" Why? " I question, not understanding his reason for return.

A part of me thought I was done with it. I sabotaged myself in believing that I'll never have to go back to him, or the torture he's put me through.

Dominic has done no less. But it was Elijah who ruined everything. It was he who barged into my home and took away everything from me. Maybe that's the reason I fear him more, because he destroyed my life and then got away, unquestioned.

" I...I do...don't want to g...go. " I whisper, crawling back from him. Fear is evident in my eyes.

" I know. " Dominic mutters.

" But he's waiting for you downstairs. " He tells me.

He's gonna give me away, isn't he? He's done. He had his fun now I'll go back to the same monster.

" I want you to go down and meet him. He's not gonna go back unless he sees you. Just play along, I promise to get you out of this. " Dominic assures, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bed.

" He's not gonna take you with him. " He assures.

" You're...helping me. " I mutter, perplexed.

I simply didn't expect him to.

" Why? " I ask, in shock.

He's just like Elijah. He isn't capable of mercy or any humane emotion. It would be unlike him, and way out of his character to help someone.

" I'm not helping you mouse, I'm helping myself. " Comes his reply.

He doesn't want me to go back. Because then I'd be in Elijah's grasp and not his. Maybe it's not about me after all.

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