Chapter 17

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Ellie's POV

Days passed by in a blur, and I wasn't able to count each one very well. Just a vague image of each new morning is left in my mind because I would wake up in his arms, engulfed in his mellow embrace. It's weird how my nose has accustomed to the scent of his body. I can smell his fragrance from a far.

Dominic hasn't done anything to wound me so far, but that doesn't mean I should let my walls down. He broke my wrist after all.

However, I hate him a little less than I hate Elijah. Scratch that, I hate Elijah more than I could ever hate someone. I hope he rots in hell one day.

Or gets killed by a serial killer, slowly and slyly.

" What are you think about so deeply little mouse? " A sudden voice breaks my chain of thoughts. I turn around to see Dominic's figure approaching me.

" No...nothing. " I stutter in a lousy attempt to lie. Regardless I find myself failing. Or maybe he is just good at reading people's mind.

" So you scrunch your nose and chew the skin out of your lips while thinking about nothing? " He questions, amused. Pressing on it.

" Yes? " I answer but the answer itself sounds more like a question.

I was actually busy plotting Elijah's carnage but I can't tell you that.

Wouldn't it be lovely to hear that Elijah got annihilated in his bathtub.

" What are the chances of Elijah getting killed by a serial killer? " The thought escapes my lips and I soon regret it. Covering my lips with my mouths but it's too late now.

" I...I didn't mean that. I...I'm... sorry. " I quickly apologize, not wanting to get punished for my words. He wouldn't take lightly to the ill thoughts of his partner in crime.

Dominic, to my surprise, doesn't get mad. He lets out a hearty chuckle. His voice resonates deeply, making me frown.

You were supposed to be mad at me.

" Kitten, the chances are very less. " He replies, wiping a fake tear. He still hasn't dropped the names. I'm not a cat or a mouse, it doesn't even make sense to call me both at the same time.

I can either be a cat or a mouse, not both. Choose one. He seems confused to me but I wouldn't tell him that.

He wasn't the one to kill my parents and he hasn't forced himself upon me. I don't want any sort tension between us.

" Don't laugh. What's so funny? " I mutter bitterly. Narrowing my eyes at him and childishly folding my arms while pouting my lips.

" You keep plotting his murder in your free time? " He asks, pulling me closer to him.

My body slides on the couch until my back hits his huge frame. I feel his rock hard body against my soft frame. I can smell his cologne seeping in.

" If he killed someone you loved so dearly, wouldn't you do the same. " I question looking straight into his dark orbs.

He looks taken back by my question. Before he can answer his phone rings.

" Guess who? " He chimes.

" The devil? " I whisper and he nods his head.

- What's up man?  He starts the conversation.

- Yeah

- Why? You miss her?
Dominic asks glancing at me. I have a feeling Elijah is asking for me.

- Way too early.

- Don't know.

- Again, Don't know.

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