Chapter 14

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Highly unedited. I'll edit this in the morning.

Ellie's POV

" El...Elijah! " I whisper.

He gazes back at me, an unreadable expression plastered over his chiseled face.

I look at him mortified, terror, seizing every inch of my body.

" Get up. " He barks, boring holes into my soul with his deadly look.

In an instant, I find my body heeding his command. I jump to my feet.

" How did she manage to flee? " He grunts, eyeing his guards with irritation.

" B...boss we only saw her escaping through the front door. I don't know how she made it through the front door. " The guard blurts out, trying his level best not to be at the other end of Elijah's wrath.

' That's not going to be you, buddy, that's going to be me. ' I mutter to myself, knowing very well who will be attaining his pique.

Elijah strides towards me and I step back a bit. Ambling backward, my back brushes against another body, and I jump up in startle.

"Nowhere to run now, mouse. " A husky voice whispers. There is only one person that calls me mouse so I don't have to turn back to know who it is.

I'm sandwiched between the two giants.

" I...I'm sorry? " I try, hoping to get away from Elijah's clutches.

" Sorry for being caught or sorry for escaping? " Elijah taunts and I look down.

" I think she's sorry for getting caught. " Dominic mumbles with a smirk spread on his well-defined face.

" Well, she should be. " Elijah remarks. Completely ignoring me.

" Do you know what I'm going to do to you Mikros? " He grunts, coming awfully close.

I saunter back a little, resulting in pushing against Dominic's warm body. His cock pushes against my back and I feel his hard-on.

Elijah roughly yanks my jaw.

" I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to give you to Dominic and he's going to hurt you...bad. " He whisper-yells in my ear making me shudder in fear.

Fat wet tears form in my eyes.

" Follow us. " This time, Dominic barks as both of them move away from me. I pursue them like a lost puppy. There is no point in galloping now, I'm surrounded by guards.

I will only get myself in more trouble.

The stand in front of a sturdy metal door and hit a few digits. The door slides open and we go down.

Are we heading to the basement?

We take a few more steps and I realize we're in the dungeons. The same place Elijah tortured a woman.

" No. " I mutter, back away.

But before I can make a run for it, Dominic lunges at me and drags me with him.

" No..No.. please. I...I don't want to go down there, Elijah. " I cry weakly.

" Shut the fuck up and walk. You're already in a lot of trouble Mikros so zip it. " He thunders, ignoring my pleas.

I turn my attention towards Dominic this time.

" Pl...please don't hurt me. " I beg desperately, expecting mercy from the man who broke my wrist.

How very naive of me...

Dominic gazes down for a moment and our eyes meet. But he says nothing and continues dragging me.

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