Chapter 5

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I flutter my eyes open to a dimly lit room. A slight ache runs through the center of my brain.

It takes me a moment, to gather myself and my vivid memories. Finally, events of last night come crashing in.

I have been abducted!

I try to recall the chronology of events but they are a bit muddled up.

Who was the man that kidnapped me?

I can not recall the exact facial feature but he was tall and sturdy.

I look around, trying to decipher my surroundings.

The description of the room comes out to be that the walls are off-white and that is pretty much it

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The description of the room comes out to be that the walls are off-white and that is pretty much it.

There isn't more to the room.

I can see some windows on one side of the room, but they are sealed.

I am currently lying on a white mattress. I get up with wobbly legs. A chill runs down through my entire body as my warm soles are met with the cold tiles.

A cedar wood door is fixed in front of the mattress, and then another towards the left of the mattress. The windows are allocated towards the right.

I scuttle straight and to my luck the door opens. My heart rejoices and a smile unfolds at the newfound escape but the scenery that unfolds next gives me pure dejection.

The isn't the opening to my freedom but the wardrobe.

I close the door, with my head hung low and so are my hopes.

" That impatient to escape? " A hoarse voice inquires.

I vault in fear, a little startled.

I look back to see it is one of the Stanley Twins, the same man I spit on!

" You! What are you doing here? " I question enraged.

He wasn't the one who kidnapped me.

I'm petrified, very. But as soon as I see this man my blood boils and my fear vanishes. He makes me brave in situations I wouldn't be brave. He instills in me the desire to oppose when my first impulse is to submit.

Something eerie about human barbarity is, that it can instill terror and valor at the same time.

He rolls his eyes at my stupid question.

" I own this place. " He says as a matter of fact.

" You got me kidnapped! " I exclaim and I am met with another eye roll.

" I did? Who would have guessed? " He lets out his sarcastic remark.

" Why? Aren't you satisfied yet? You murdered my parents brutally. You ki..killed them. Isn't that enough? " I question, extremely tired of all the injustice being done to me.

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