Chapter 16

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Ellie's POV

" Mom? Dad? " I called out, as I walked through the lush green forest.

It was densely populated with cedar trees. Each branch carried a dozen trees, while a dozen of them had also turned orange. A sign of autumn.

I stroll aimlessly, not knowing the edge of the path I venture on. All I'm able to understand is, that I'm calling out to my parents.

My saunter soon turns desperate and I find myself galloping through the words, my eyes despairingly search for anything animate.

"  Dad, can you hear me? " I cry out to no one in particular. I'm met with the shattering silence.

" Please, say something. I'm trying to find you! " I exclaim.

"Mom,  I know you're there. Why don't you speak? " With each passing moment my pace quickens and my voice comes out to be more forlorn than ever.

Just then I hear a low growl, something so animalistic about that voice that it send chills down my spine.

I cower back in fear but then I hear a yelp for aid. I gradually amble towards the source of the noise only to be met with a gruesome scene.

There lies the dead body of my dad. His eyes have been chewed out, leaving hollow spheres drained of all life forms. Every inch of his body bleeds while several bite marks can be spotted.

A sudden wave of nausea rushes through my body but I push it back not wanting to draw any attention.

My eyes roam a little further to find my mom. The pack of wolves is gnawing her intestines yet her eyes still flutter open. She lays there, limo not able to fight the feral wolves.

Her hand moves in my direction as her eyes finally fall on my form. She silently pleads for help.

I take a step forward, willing to dive right not the fire but a strong grip pulls me back. I look back to find Tucker, warning me not to.

I struggle against his clasp. Not willing to let my mom die. She can be saved, she's still breathing!

" Mo- " I attempt to call her, but a large hand covers my mouth. It feels as if my lips have been stitched and my tongue is tied.

I feel myself falling back, into the multiple cushions of air until I am met with the bay. My body crashes against the wet surface and a million needles prick me at the same time.

It is then, I scream. But my tongue is tied and my lips have been stitched. So I scream silently. 

I bolt awake as the horrendous nightmare finally comes to an end. Something about the lucid dream made me feel like it was real. For a moment or two, I am dazed and it takes me some time to familiarise myself with the environment.

This is Dominic's bedroom. I extend my arm to the other side of the bed to realize Dominic is not here. I wouldn't want him to look at me like this, at my lowest point. Completely vulnerable.

The State of utter vulnerability is dangerous, it is when all the monsters creep in. They give you a little magic, and in return take a little of your soul.

It's a sinful trade.

Wait, My parents? Dad? The wolves killed dad, what about mom?

I rush out of the bedroom and trot out.

" Where's Dominic? " I question to the first person I spot.

" There. But who- " The woman starts to inquire but I jog away from the scene.

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