Chapter One

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Have you ever had a crush on someone?

Have you ever had those stupid butterflies in your stomach?

Take a piece of advice: Don't ever fall for someone who can't fall back for you.

It's an ample circle of anguish. It just doesn't end.

But when it finally does, you're in too deep and there is no way out.

Tucker, the boy who always managed to put a smile on my face was my crush. It wasn't just an infatuation that would go away with time. It was more than that and it was deeply rooted in my brain.

We were best friends. He was my childhood friend and I thought we had something.

That was until we moved to this forsaken town. Everything about this place is dreadful.

I don't get it.

The town doesn't smile, it doesn't celebrate.  A cloud of gloominess lurks everywhere and has seeped deep into everyone's sanity. It's like a ghost town. People are afraid of something that doesn't even exist, at least not for me.

I thought Tucker and I had something but it all changed when we stepped into this forlorn town.

He met someone else, a girl named Anna and that was enough to overcome years of friendship.

Our dwelling was an hour's drive away from Oizys.

We had a small duck farm. We had some other animals too. A barn cat and guard dog.

Tucker was our neighbor, he lived with his parents. Though his parents died in a car accident. He was alone since then but I was always there with him.

I spent most of my time in his house. We did everything together, we were inseparable or so I thought.

As soon as my father was postponed to Oizys, he changed. He met Anna and I didn't matter to him anymore.

I have no friends here except Tucker and he's busy with Anna. I sit alone and no one talks to me.

I wish we never shifted to this bizarre town. In Oizys exists a deep hole, whose pit is abysmal. It sucks the life out of you and leaves you completely bleak. 

But one man's sorrow was never enough to fill the pit of Oizys. One man's sorrow can never be enough. It demands more.

Standing in front of my house, I wipe away a lone tear that eluded.

I can not let my parents see me break like this, especially for a boy. They didn't raise me with all the love and support just so I could cry over a boy. Even if that boy has my heart.

No, I must be strong.

I take a deep breath and gather myself. I ring the bell and wait for mom to open it.

I wait for a few seconds and nothing happens. The door doesn't swing open. It stays put, like a solid brick wall.

That's strange, usually, I'm greeted by a warm smile and the delicious aroma of food.

I ring the bell again. Long enough that the buzzing sound leaves an echo in my mind.

The door still doesn't open. I try to unlock it myself and it creaks open.

Why is the door unlocked?

I cautiously step in.

" Mom? " I ask, to no one in particular.

I leave my shoes in the corridor and step toward the main hall. While stepping towards the main hall I see imprints of boots and sneakers.

The white carpet is smudged with dirt. 

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