Chapter 23

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Idly sitting by the window pain I continue to gaze out numbly. The world outside is in chaos. Like nature itself has brewed a fight. Strong wind crashes against the high and lofty trees. The gale thrashes against each grain of nature, trying to end their existence.

The flowers have long shed their petals, unknown to the fact that such beauty might never adorn them again. They blossomed in the warm spring, yet were unaware of the cold winter. And in them, I see the end of a thing of beauty.

Yet no resistance is spotted. So they take their leave ever so gracefully. On the other hand, it is a fight for survival. The old bark that has seen days worse, continues to stand its ground.

It didn't bloom overnight, its roots are too deep. So neither will it disappear in a day's work. But the gust of wind seems to be adamant. And so it keeps trying, it keeps pushing the limits of the old tree. And the fight for survival continues until the sky rumbles and all is cleared by a heavy downpour.

The gale has been humbled, and the old tree has been sated.

" Shut the window Ellie, or you'll be wet. " Dominic advises, closing the glass pane.

It is only then do I notice that a few droplets have indeed grazed my skin. I was lost too deep, in the ever so chaotic nature that I forgot my existence for a moment.

Some things are just easier to forget.

I gaze up, to find Dominic holding a cup of tea. He places it on the coffee table and sits by me.

" You okay? " He asks, as I continue to gaze at him numbly. Refusing to break the silence.

I'd rather reside in the solace it has provided me.

" Would you like to eat something little mouse? " He asks, as morning comes and the time for breakfast arrives. He doesn't miss using the awful term.

To him, I have always been like a little mouse. One he could crush beneath his sole whenever he wishes to. I'm starting to take that word as a ridicule of my current state.

He wraps his arm around me, rubbing his palm against the skin of my shoulder, as I'm wrapped in a torn T-shirt. His shirt.

I haven't eaten for a few hours, maybe a whole day. It doesn't matter though, I'm close to puking anytime soon.

A nauseating wave keeps striking, but I can't seem to push out any of it.

" You seem happy. " I mumble.

" Why wouldn't you be? " I ask rhetorically, letting out a sarcastic laugh.

" You're just like him. You're like Elijah. " I mutter, utter nonsense to any passerby. But he knows, he knows what I'm talking about.

" If I were like him little mouse, you'd be screaming in pain the entire night. " Dominic remarks, and he remarks with such intensity that I feel he believes it too.

I wasn't crying in pain, I didn't want to be in pain. So I chose the easier option. But that shouldn't make any difference. He's like Elijah, maybe even worse.

" But we both saw otherwise." Dominic spits out.

" Don't say that. " I plead, not wanting to remember the awful night.

No matter how much I twist the truth, the guilt just comes back.

" Why not? " Dominic mocks, reminding me of the bitter truth.

" That's the truth. " He finishes, once again damaging my already bruised heart.

Why does he say hurtful things? Hasn't he hurt me enough, is he still not satisfied?

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