Chapter 19

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Dominic's POV:

" How long have you worked for me, Cairo? " I ask my man, an austere question. And thus I expect an intelligible reply.

" Five years. " He states, straight and simple.

" And how long have you known that girl? " I inquire, this time the question is more complex in nature than simple.

" A few hours. " He pauses for a bit and then replies, his voice holds perplexity. He responds to my with an answer that further complicates things.

I analyze him from top to bottom, detecting him steer away from his usual body posture. The way he sauntered in, and the manner he now stands in front of me tells a different tale. He holds hesitancy in his body posture and his eyes reflect a glint of indecision.

It doesn't take me long, to sense something off. A gut feeling arises, leading this back to Ellie. Deep inside I hope it doesn't. That the thoughts in my head remain as superficial thoughts. Far away from validity.

Because if I do find my little mouse involved in this, Elijah will no longer remain the man that she is startled of the most.

" Shouldn't your loyalty lie towards me then? " I further interrogate, the atmosphere is now tense. My tone grips on to a grim pitch, refusing to deviate from it. I hold no leniency for traitors.

I eye Cairo with caution, evaluating his every breath. Inspecting for any sign of treachery.

" It does. " I receive yet another straightforward reply. And this time it irks me.

" Then enlighten me Cairo, what is the reason that I fail to take in the validity of your words. " I examine, rage slowly pulsing in. The feeling of disloyalty now sinking in.

In the mafia, nothing is valued more than allegiance and if you're men aren't faithful to you, you're bound to fail. I did not build this empire, just so it would fall down like a house of cards one day.

Thus you put down disloyalty the moment its born.

" Don't make me do this, Cairo. " I warn, taking out my pistol.

" You have exactly five minutes to spit out the truth. " I fume in a demanding tone.

I load the magazine.

" This is the truth. " He mutters stubbornly.

But I happen to notice the slightest of change. What pesters me is the lack of eye contact.

" I don't want to lose my right hand man. "  I inform.

" But if this is what it takes, so be it. " I make up my mind, aiming the alide at him. Gearing towards a head shot.

" Is this how it's going to end, Cairo? " I raise a question, one last time.

" And for what, a girl? "

I unlock the safety.

" I'll speak. " Cairo states, falling on his knees. The admittance of his betrayal settles deep within and I cannot help but blame Ellie for this. First Elijah's man and now mine.

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